Open-Source Vulkan C++ API
Open-Source Vulkan C++ API | urho3d | |
36 | 24 | |
3,215 | 4,265 | |
1.3% | - | |
9.1 | 9.8 | |
8 days ago | about 2 years ago | |
C++ | C++ | |
Apache License 2.0 | MIT License |
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Open-Source Vulkan C++ API
what math is required?
It might be useful to maybe look at the Vulkan.hpp examples since you can do the same in about 200 lines of code.
- Vulkan-Hpp now provides C++20 module interface file
How do you guys organize everything?
Wow that library looks amazing, I'll definitely be using it. Bonus that it's official from the Khronos Group.
An idea to ease wrapping C libraries in C++.
Even auto-generated c++ wrappers like vulkan-hpp require lots of manual maintenance.
Anybody know why V-EZ has not been updated in 5 years?
Ultimately I went with vulkan.hpp RAII bindings, even though that way also has some learning curve and I couldn't find any documentation other than the RAII programming guide. It's great for getting started, but could use a complementary auto-generated API doc. There are also decent programming samples, which really suck for getting started, but otherwise do a good job of presenting concepts they focus on. Putting the available resources together I was able to get a project going in two weekends.
Using enum classes as bitmasks
This is exactly how the official Vulkan C++ API, Vulkan-Hpp does it. For the precise example mentioned in the blog post:
Recommendations on how to start a small Vulkan project
Or the vulkan.hpp RAII samples would be a good place?
What's the most hilarious use of operator overloading you've seen?
For a real-life example: consider the vk::raii namespace of Vulkan-Hpp, where the developers have posted examples. The vk::raii::su namespace has a bunch of free functions that one might think are associated with a Vulkan instance/object (in fact, the Vulkan Tutorial does implement them as member functions), but they are much nicer when used as pure functions. It keeps the class/struct definition itself nice and clean.
Vulkan-HPP + Vulkan C API == Aliasing Bugs!
final c++17 draft (N4659) first post-publication draft after c++20 (N4868) vulkan-structs.hpp (containing the vk::ImageCreateInfo definition) VkImageCreateInfo struct
Which engine/program do you use?
Urho3D, an open source C++ game engine.
C++ Game Engine?
I believe Urho3d supports MacOS (see 'about' page on the legacy website).
Any Small c++ Engine for an fps game
I'd like to learn game engine development - where to even start?
If you're literally clueless your best bet is to first start learning with an existing clean-ish engine like Urho3D implementing whatever feature/screwing-around or start with a framework like nVidia's Donut that gets you your window and basic rendering in place.
Game Engine Renderer Architecture regarding UI
I would recommend tracking through the gist of Urho3D's batch/batchqueue stuff as it's a reasonable setup that is very intelligible (if you speak C++), it's not the greatest thing on the planet but you should be able to roughly grok it in an afternoon. Doing draw batch-pumps greatly streamlines the final drawing code.
Game engine for programmars
You could try Urho3D or its newer fork rbfx.
Preferred game engine
I use an engine called rbfx which is a fork of the Urho3D engine. A lot of it is just the fact that I've been using it for over a decade, so I am comfortable with it. I'm a programmer, not really comfortable with integrated editor engines such as Unity or Godot, and the easy C++ extensibility of the engine appeals to me. Plus it's decently powerful, and well supported on a lot of platforms (I build for Windows, WebGL, and very occasionally RPi for the most part) and is open source to satisfy that stubbornly libertarian side of my character.
What is the lightest C++ 3D game engine for Linux?
You might be interested in Urho3D.
I need a REALLY lightweight engine
If you don't mind something experimental, there is a C# version of Urho3D that is in fairly active development. There is also a C#-scriptable branch of the Urho3D fork, rbfx, located here. Both of these projects are still pretty in-the-works, but are still pretty usable.
- achieving 00's / ps2 graphics
What are some alternatives?
Ogre 3D - scene-oriented, flexible 3D engine (C++, Python, C#, Java)
DirectXTK - The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++
Irrlicht - An automatically updated mirror of the Irrlicht SVN repository on sourceforge
Atomic Game Engine - The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript
OpenSubdiv - An Open-Source subdivision surface library.
OpenSceneGraph - OpenSceneGraph git repository
OpenVDB - OpenVDB - Sparse volume data structure and tools
Horde3D - Horde3D is a small 3D rendering and animation engine. It is written in an effort to create an engine being as lightweight and conceptually clean as possible.
Skia - Skia is a complete 2D graphic library for drawing Text, Geometries, and Images.
bgfx - Cross-platform, graphics API agnostic, "Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.