The Best CSS Frameworks

Based on github stars

Top 40 Most Popular CSS Frameworks
by number of GitHub stars


Rank Change 2023 Sep Project Features Stars Activity Rating
1 - 1 Bootstrap General Purpose SCSS 169,952 9.5 25.19%
2 - 2 Tailwind CSS Speciallized CSS PostCSS 81,714 9.6 12.11%
3 - 3 normalize.css Base Reset Normalize CSS 52,307 0.0 7.75%
4 - 4 Semantic UI General Purpose LESS 51,095 0.0 7.57%
5 - 5 Bulma General Purpose SASS 49,118 9.1 7.28%
6 - 6 Materialize Material Design SCSS 38,869 0.0 5.76%
7 - 7 Foundation General Purpose SCSS 29,653 5.1 4.40%
8 - 8 Pure Lightweight CSS 23,542 7.3 3.49%
9 - 9 NES.css Speciallized SCSS 20,604 0.0 3.05%
10 - 10 UI kit General Purpose SCSS LESS 18,273 9.7 2.71%
11 - 11 Material Components Web Material Design SCSS 17,134 6.7 2.54%
12 - 12 Primer General Purpose SCSS 12,532 8.8 1.86%
13 - 13 tachyons General Purpose CSS 11,625 7.6 1.72%
14 - 14 Spectre.css General Purpose SCSS 11,316 0.0 1.68%
15 - 15 Milligram Lightweight SCSS 10,193 0.0 1.51%
16 - 16 98.css Speciallized CSS 8,993 4.9 1.33%
17 - 17 Water.css Class-less CSS 8,278 0.0 1.23%
18 19 modern-normalize Base Reset Normalize CSS 6,087 6.6 0.90%
19 18 Tufte CSS Speciallized CSS 5,855 0.0 0.87%
20 - 20 sanitize.css Base Reset Normalize CSS 5,194 0.0 0.77%
21 - 21 Gutenberg Speciallized SCSS 4,799 0.0 0.71%
22 - 22 MUI Material Design SCSS 4,510 0.0 0.67%
23 - 23 sakura Class-less SCSS 4,098 2.9 0.61%
24 - 24 Picnic CSS Lightweight SCSS 3,784 1.9 0.56%
25 - 25 Fomantic-UI General Purpose LESS 3,542 8.7 0.53%
26 - 26 minireset.css Base Reset Normalize SASS 2,763 2.6 0.41%
27 28 ress Base Reset Normalize CSS 2,023 2.3 0.30%
28 27 Wing Lightweight Stylus 2,007 0.0 0.30%
29 - 29 inuitcss Base Reset Normalize SCSS 1,850 0.0 0.27%
30 31 Tacit Class-less SCSS 1,694 8.1 0.25%
31 30 Marx Class-less SCSS Stylus 1,685 1.6 0.25%
32 - 32 Blaze UI General Purpose SCSS 1,550 3.5 0.23%
33 ↑↑↑ 36 Chota Lightweight CSS 1,393 2.6 0.21%
34 - 34 Cirrus General Purpose CSS 1,361 8.8 0.20%
35 - 35 Base General Purpose SCSS LESS 1,260 0.0 0.19%
36 37 Propeller Material Design SCSS 1,127 0.0 0.17%
37 38 Bojler Speciallized SCSS 1,026 0.0 0.15%
38 39 turretcss General Purpose CSS 800 0.0 0.12%
39 40 PatternFly General Purpose SCSS LESS 693 9.0 0.10%
40 41 HiQ General Purpose PostCSS 313 6.0 0.05%
  • Rating - the percentage of stars of a particular project from the total number.
  • Activity - a relative number between 0 and 10 representing the commits activity of a project.
    9+ meaning that the project is amongst the top 10% of most actively developed projects.
    5+ meaning that the project is amongst the top 50% of most active projects.

If you think we are missing a CSS Framework or would like to make a correction or a suggegestion, please do not hesitate to contact us.