The Best CSS Frameworks

Based on github stars

Top 40 Most Popular CSS Frameworks
by number of GitHub stars

Filtering projects by: Class-less X

Rank Change 2023 Apr Project Features Stars Activity Rating
17 - 17 Water.css Class-less CSS 8,174 0.0 1.23%
23 - 23 sakura Class-less SCSS 4,019 6.1 0.60%
30 31 Marx Class-less SCSS Stylus 1,679 4.0 0.25%
31 32 Tacit Class-less SCSS 1,650 7.9 0.25%
  • Rating - the percentage of stars of a particular project from the total number.
  • Activity - a relative number between 0 and 10 representing the commits activity of a project.
    9+ meaning that the project is amongst the top 10% of most actively developed projects.
    5+ meaning that the project is amongst the top 50% of most active projects.

If you think we are missing a CSS Framework or would like to make a correction or a suggegestion, please do not hesitate to contact us.