Unity-Editor-Toolbox | Unity-game-hacking | |
2 | 10 | |
1,769 | 2,819 | |
1.1% | - | |
8.6 | 0.0 | |
about 2 months ago | about 2 years ago | |
C# | ||
MIT License | - |
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Is there a way to replicate this style of foldout/drawer in our own custom editor scripts?
You may wanna check out this project: https://github.com/arimger/Unity-Editor-Toolbox it makes creating custom hierarchy UIs rather simple from the looks of it, but I haven't tried it so can't really say for sure.
Is Odin still worth it?
Unity Editor Toolbox - Has a large number of attributes that I think mostly are styled well to fit in with the default editor look. It also supports material editors. It has some other extensions too. I have not personally used it, but it looks pretty good quality.
- Would it be possible to pull a 3d model from a unity game?
Super happy ending mod!
The game is made with Unity so it uses C# for its code. I like to mod the game using something like BepInEx, so that the actual assets and code of the game remain untouched. This resource, was also helpful for me when I was first learning how to mod the game.
Guides for asset ripping?
AssetStudio - let's you extract models, textures, sounds, etc. from the game's assetbundles (aka: the game's compressed / packed data). There's also this guide on other programs for Unity modding - less of a guide really, more for finding out what other tools there are.
Can the OG Xbox be emulated on Android?
HK is a unity project that they decompiled the source with tools like these and made changes to build for Android. Halo was on a proprietary engine made specifically for non mobile architecture.
Can Unity games be decompiled, compared to Godot which is open source?
Yea, Unity being so popular means it has a whole ecosystem of decompiler and asset extractor tools: https://github.com/imadr/Unity-game-hacking
Any possibility of modding the speed of the game?
Here's a guide regardless. Assumes previous programming knowledge.
Modding Support?
I have done some very limited modding of the .dll with Ilspy/Reflexil, but most variable modification does nothing at all. Not exactly sure why that is as, most games that I mod in this manner, if I change a 1 to a 4, then it correctly is applied ingame. In theory I could do further modification with the Unity Assets Bundle Extractor (or UABE for short), but that requires knowing the precise name of specific entities, items, and traits, to do so (the search function is fairly barebones, so unless you know precisely what something is called, you have to manually search through thousands of entries). I have also looked into other tools that might do the job (here is a link to the various tools and suggestions on how to "mod" unity titles) = https://github.com/imadr/Unity-game-hacking), but again, still require the precise name of things to modify them, and for reasons unknown, the QuickBMS script doesn't work on any of the Void Bastard files (but does work on other Unity titles).
finding encrypted value
If you’re interested in how it works you could start here: https://github.com/imadr/Unity-game-hacking
Looking for all the dialogue
Haha well, let me give the short version then: Dialog is represented as UUIDs (a long string of digits and letters essentially) in the game's level files. Each UUID is then mapped to different translations under the localization folder. These are in clear text, so you can immediately find (almost) all dialog in the game very easily by going to the Kingmaker_Data/StreamingAssets/Localization folder in your game files and looking at the files there that start with enGB. The harder part is figuring out who is saying what line. To do that, you have to look at the binary asset files. I have seen a few tools online that let you extract them (there's a list of them here), but it's sure to be a long and painful process.
- ?How I makem?
What are some alternatives?
NaughtyAttributes - Attribute Extensions for Unity
Unity-Lua - A wrapper around MoonSharp that allows easy development of moddable Unity games
resharper-unity - Unity support for both ReSharper and Rider
realtime-CSG-for-unity - Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
pb_Stl - STL import/export for Unity, supporting both ASCII and Binary.
movfuscator - The single instruction C compiler
Unity-SerializableDictionary - Serializable dictionary class for Unity
Randomation-Vehicle-Physics - Vehicle physics system for the Unity engine.
EditorXR - Author XR in XR
TWMS-Assets - The Witcher: Monster Slayer - Assets
Bewildered-Core - Common use data types, and utilities for Unity that are high-quality and feel like a native part of Unity
UnityLibrary - :books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity