C++ Microsoft

Open-source C++ projects categorized as Microsoft

Top 20 C++ Microsoft Projects

  • LightGBM

    A fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting (GBT, GBDT, GBRT, GBM or MART) framework based on decision tree algorithms, used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks.

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  • Microsoft Research Detours Package

    Detours is a software package for monitoring and instrumenting API calls on Windows. It is distributed in source code form.

    Project mention: AMD's Anti-Lag feature is getting gamers banned from Counter-Strike 2 | news.ycombinator.com | 2023-10-17

    Nit: AFAIU there is no literal modification of machine code going on—instead the import address table (IAT, the Windows counterpart of Linux’s GOT) is patched (the Windows tradition calls this “detoured”, from the quite popular Microsoft hack[1] that does it).

    [1] https://github.com/microsoft/Detours

  • DirectXTK

    The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 11.x code in C++

    Project mention: I need help to make SSE Display Tweaks work. | /r/skyrimmods | 2023-10-09

    Stands for "Universal Microsoft Key Toolkit". The goal is to generate keys (and confirmation ID's) for all versions of Microsoft products pre-2012.

    Project mention: Windows Product Activation (2001) | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-02-21
  • DirectXTex

    DirectXTex texture processing library

  • EdgeML

    This repository provides code for machine learning algorithms for edge devices developed at Microsoft Research India. (by microsoft)

  • DirectXMath

    DirectXMath is an all inline SIMD C++ linear algebra library for use in games and graphics apps

  • DirectXTK12

    The DirectX Tool Kit (aka DirectXTK12) is a collection of helper classes for writing DirectX 12 code in C++

  • xlnt

    :bar_chart: Cross-platform user-friendly xlsx library for C++11+

  • mfcmapi


  • DirectStorage

    DirectStorage for Windows is an API that allows game developers to unlock the full potential of high speed NVMe drives for loading game assets.

    Project mention: Asynchronous IO: the next billion-dollar mistake? | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-06

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but Microsoft's DirectStorage seems to me something like what the author is writing about. AFAIK it lets you do massively parallel NVME file io ops from the GPU itself, avoiding the delay of the path through the CPU, extra thread saturation on the CPU/context switches, and even lets you do eg decompression of game assets on the GPU itself. This demo benchmark shows DEFLATE going from 1 GB/s on CPU to 7 GBs/ on GPU https://github.com/microsoft/DirectStorage/tree/main/Samples...

  • Reset-Windows-Update-Tool

    Troubleshooting Tool with Windows Updates (Developed in Dev-C++).

  • clarion

  • Xbox-GDK-Samples

    Game development samples published by the Xbox Advanced Technology Group using the Microsoft GDK.

  • windows-Credential-Provider-library

    This repository will be updated with all the examples and links that I can find with relevant knowledge & information about CP in MS Windows vista up to version 10.

  • wcecl

    Run Windows CE applications on desktop Windows

  • libvisio2svg

    Library/Tools to convert Microsoft (MS) Visio documents (VSS and VSD) to SVG

    Project mention: Convert visio stencils to png for netbox/glpi/others ? | /r/homelab | 2023-12-07

    It was a wrapper around this: https://github.com/kakwa/libvisio2svg

  • DxCapsViewer

    DirectX Capabilities Viewer utility (dxcapsviewer.exe)

  • GUI-Turbo-Assembler

    An essential 32-64bit localized IDE for Assembly Language with TASM, TASM32, TLINK, TLINK32, TD and TD32

    Project mention: GUI Turbo Assembler 5.1 - with Turbo 16 and 32 bit support | /r/software | 2023-11-25

    Download link - https://sourceforge.net/projects/guitasm8086/ GitHub link - https://github.com/ljnath/GUI-Turbo-Assembler

  • IoT-Climate-Tracker

    Temperature and Humidity Monitor

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

C++ Microsoft discussion

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C++ Microsoft related posts

  • AMD's Anti-Lag feature is getting gamers banned from Counter-Strike 2

    1 project | news.ycombinator.com | 17 Oct 2023
  • I need help to make SSE Display Tweaks work.

    1 project | /r/skyrimmods | 9 Oct 2023
  • Need help converting wav files to XWB without the wav file names being changed

    1 project | /r/Modding | 2 Jul 2023
  • Flight Mechanics

    1 project | /r/Starfield | 20 Jun 2023
  • Hooking 🪝

    1 project | /r/learnprogramming | 11 May 2023
  • From Project Management to Data Compression Innovator: Building LZ4, ZStandard, and Finite State Entropy Encoder

    1 project | /r/programming | 2 May 2023
  • Vector math library benchmarks (C++)

    3 projects | /r/GraphicsProgramming | 15 Apr 2023
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 4 Oct 2024
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What are some of the best open-source Microsoft projects in C++? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 LightGBM 16,562
2 Microsoft Research Detours Package 5,181
3 DirectXTK 2,553
4 UMSKT 1,888
5 DirectXTex 1,796
6 EdgeML 1,577
7 DirectXMath 1,540
8 DirectXTK12 1,493
9 xlnt 1,473
10 mfcmapi 872
11 DirectStorage 696
12 Reset-Windows-Update-Tool 482
13 clarion 323
14 Xbox-GDK-Samples 232
15 windows-Credential-Provider-library 190
16 wcecl 149
17 libvisio2svg 112
18 DxCapsViewer 107
19 GUI-Turbo-Assembler 41
20 IoT-Climate-Tracker 6

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