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Embedded-scripting-languages Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to embedded-scripting-languages
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embedded-scripting-languages discussion
embedded-scripting-languages reviews and mentions
Steel – An embedded scheme interpreter in Rust
Hopefully the linked README provides a general overview (I know I need to write some more documentation!), but Steel is an implementation of the scheme programming language (not entirely compliant yet, but aiming for R5RS and R7RS compliance). It can be used as a standalone language via the interpreter/repl (like Python or Racket), or it can be embedded inside applications, like Lua. There are hundreds (thousands, probably) of embeddable languages, each with their own flavor - see a list compiled here for example
Use cases are generally for either configuration, scripting, or plugins - so scripting in games, or adding extensions to your text editor without having to use FFI or RPC + serializing a bunch of data. The advantage it has over using dynamic libraries (in general) is it runs in the same process, and can access the internal data structures directly without a lot of ceremony involved. The downside is typically is not as fast as native code unless a JIT is involved.
Javascript is an example of an embedded scripting, where the browser is the host application.
Lua: The Little Language That Could
> There is a huge opportunity, IMO, for more players here.
There are quite a few embeddable scripting languages [1]. I think these days it's less common to embed a language mostly because there are good high-level languages that applications can be predominantly written in.
- Ask HN: Embeddable Value-Oriented Languages?
- Embedded Scripting Languages
Simple statically typed language with value semantics?
I'm not a huge fan of Lua but I think it is at least way more popular and better on every measure than TCL. There are plenty of other better less well-known options too: Rhai, Wren, AngelScript, Starlark (for some use cases), etc. There's a good list here.
- Language Interpreter for Coding Game
Choosing scripting extension - need advice
or perhaps use one of this list (depending on who's writing the configuration):
- Ana is a Python, PHP, and C inspired dynamically typed scripting language
How to implement an in-game programming language? (coincidentally, from a user whose name I recognize from the Tcl wiki)
- Do you have problem to visit LambdaChip website?
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