
OpenXLSX | entt | |
7 | 79 | |
1,461 | 10,566 | |
3.1% | 1.5% | |
9.0 | 9.9 | |
6 days ago | 5 days ago | |
C++ | C++ | |
BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License | MIT License |
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New programmer C++ question: OpenXLSX
I don't know enough of what I'm doing to know how to install it myself, despite reading some of this stuff. ( Old dog learning new tricks...
Edit a single cell in an excel spreadsheet with c++
But you're in luck. There just so happens to be a free lib floating around:
Hello, I was wondering how hard it will be to print from c++ to excel. I've already done it to csv, but from what I've heard, to excel is far more difficult. Is it really that hard? And where can I learn how to do it? (I dindn't find anything interesting on YT). Thanks for the help!
XLSX is just a compressed XML format that Excel can read. It’s a bit of a pain in the ass to author yourself. But a quick google search yielded OpenXLSX.
How do I parse .xlsx files in C++?
This one looks promising, atleast from readme. Haven't used it.
- Creating module/addon to process excel file type.
Can't compile example program from external library
xlsx with VSCode and Qtcreator function propagation
To read and write xlsx files you would likely want to use a library. Google finds these: and
Using Jolt with flecs & Dear ImGui: Game Physics Introspection
EnTT is a popular alternative to flecs for C++, which has different performance/memory characteristics.
Focus: A simple and fast text editor written in Jai This is a very small experiment i did to learn the metaprogramming features. its an ECS library using the same model as entt ( In 200 lines or so it does the equivalent of a few thousand lines of template heavy Cpp while compiling instantly and generating good debug code.
Some walkthrough:
Line 8 declares a SparseSet type as a fairly typical template. its just a struct with arrays of type T inside. Next lines implement getters/setters for this data structure
Line 46 Base_Registry things get interesting. This is a struct that holds a bunch of SparseSet of different types, and providers getters/setters for them by type. It uses code generation to do this. The initial #insert at the start of the class injects codegen that creates structure members from the type list the struct gets on its declaration. Note also how type-lists are a native structure in the lang, no need for variadics.
Line 99 i decide to do variadic style tail templates anyway for fun. I implement a function that takes a typelist and returns the tail, and the struct is created through recursion as one would do in cpp. Getters and setters for the View struct are also implemented through recursion
Line 143 has the for expansion. This is how you overload the for loop functionality to create custom iterators.
The rest of the code is just some basic test code that runs the thing.
- Crash Course: entity component system
Introducing Ecsact
Since we wanted a common game simulation that would be on both the server and the client we looked into a few libraries that would fit our ECS needs. It was decided we were going to write this common part of our game in C++, but rust was considered. C++ was a familiar language for us so naturally EnTT and flecs came up right away. I had used EnTT before, writing some small demo projects, so our choice was made based on familiarity. In order to integrate with Unity we created a small C interface to communicate between our simulation code and Unity’s C#. Here’s close to what it looked like. I removed some parts for brevity sake.
Sharing Saturday #472
Are you sure you don't want to use a C++ package manager? Libtcod is on Vcpkg and with that setup you could add the fmt library or EnTT. fmt fixes C++'s string handling and EnTT fixes everything wrong with the entities of the previous tutorials.
- Where can I find the juiciest, most complex and modern c++ code?
What are the limits of blueprints?
There's also a performance question. While we can now use Blueprint nativization to convert Blueprints to C++ the result will be a fairly naive version, fast enough for most purposes but not if you're trying to push every bit of performance. This is where you're looking at making sure you're hitting things such as using the CPU cache as well as possible for an ECS system (Look at ENTT or Flecs if you want to see what they're about and why you'd want one), or a system needing to process massive amounts of data quickly such as the Voxel Plugin.
any resources for expanding on ECS?
For a modern engine you’re probably best looking at Unity’s DOTS. You may also want to check out some of the different open source ECS libraries such as flecs and EnTT are two popular ones for C++, but there’s lots of them. Largely you’ll see lots of different approaches taken, all with their own pros and cons. Not all of them will be performant (some focus more on the design benefits) while others will be optimised for certain use cases. What you should prioritise will depend on your specific needs.
DynaMix 2.0.0 Released
You can think of DynaMix as combining one of these libraries with an ECS like entt(
- Flecs – A fast entity component system for C and C++