For more general APIs, there's SMFL; "It is composed of five modules: system, window, graphics, audio and network; SDL covers "low level access to audio, keyboard, mouse, joystick, and graphics hardware...", is C-native, and there are bindings available for C, C++, C#, Python, and "several other languages."
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There's the WebASM-based WebGPU API, which is partially or fully implemented in C++ and Rust. There are also all sorts of random projects, such as the Diligent Engine; this article has seen years of updates on CodeProject.
PortAudio is a cross-platform, open-source C language library for real-time audio input and output.
For sound, there's PortAudio for C and C++, and Windows, Mac, and Linux; FMOD comes in C++.
To move on to GUI dev, there's the Qt Framework, Eto.forms for C#; Rust has the ImGui wrapper for the C++ Dear ImGui library.
To move on to GUI dev, there's the Qt Framework, Eto.forms for C#; Rust has the ImGui wrapper for the C++ Dear ImGui library.
To move on to GUI dev, there's the Qt Framework, Eto.forms for C#; Rust has the ImGui wrapper for the C++ Dear ImGui library.
For networking, file IO, and streams in general, there's Korio and for Java; for just networking, there's LiteNetLib for C#; for what looks like data streams in general, there's Okio also for Java; and Tokio for multi-threaded IO in Rust.
For networking, file IO, and streams in general, there's Korio and for Java; for just networking, there's LiteNetLib for C#; for what looks like data streams in general, there's Okio also for Java; and Tokio for multi-threaded IO in Rust.