acados | StaticCompiler.jl | |
5 | 16 | |
901 | 517 | |
3.6% | 1.2% | |
9.6 | 6.0 | |
5 days ago | 4 months ago | |
C | Julia | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
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For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
How to understand Model Predictive Control
I would check out CasADi (specifically the opti framework) and or ACADOS. To code up a quick MPC in general is not hard, but to squeeze efficiency and exploit sparsity for good real-time performance is a little more involved and these tools really help with that.
Question about Model Predictive Control (MPC) cost function
Generally, nonlinear MPC uses either IPOPT (an interior point method) or sequential quadtraic programming based approaches (google GURBOI, qpoases, qrqp...). A good python framework is CasADi, or its sister project ACADOS. I think there is also a fair amount of literature on learning MPC cost functions from data you could probably find.
Show HN: prometeo โ a Python-to-C transpiler for high-performance computing
Thanks for the question! My background is in numerical optimization for optimal control. Projects like this motivated the development of prometeo. It's mostly about solving optimization problems as fast as possible to make optimal decisions in real-time.
Do you know a good free toolbox on mpc control for GNU Octave?
Look at Acados. I didn't use it with Octave, but according the readme it has a interface with Octave.
Potential of the Julia programming language for high energy physics computing
Yes, julia can be called from other languages rather easily, Julia functions can be exposed and called with a C-like ABI [1], and then there's also various packages for languages like Python [2] or R [3] to call Julia code.
With PackageCompiler.jl [4] you can even make AOT compiled standalone binaries, though these are rather large. They've shrunk a fair amount in recent releases, but they're still a lot of low hanging fruit to make the compiled binaries smaller, and some manual work you can do like removing LLVM and filtering stdlibs when they're not needed.
Work is also happening on a more stable / mature system that acts like StaticCompiler.jl [5] except provided by the base language and people who are more experienced in the compiler (i.e. not a janky prototype)
Julia App Deployment
PackageCompiler, but it' s a fat runtime and not cross compile. A thin runtime is currently not possible without sacrifices for feature as
JuLox: What I Learned Building a Lox Interpreter in Julia Would working on this feasible?
- Making Python 100x faster with less than 100 lines of Rust
- What's Julia's biggest weakness?
Size of a "hello world" application
I just read the project's documentation at It does produce a "hello world" application that is only 8.4k in size ๐. I do like that it can work on Mac OS. Hopefully Windows support will come soon.
Why Julia 2.0 isnโt coming anytime soon (and why that is a good thing)
- My Experiences with Julia
Julia for health physics/radiation detection
You're probably dancing around the edges of what [PackageCompiler.jl]( is capable of targeting. There are a few new capabilities coming online, namely [separating codegen from runtime]( and [compiling small static binaries](, but you're likely to hit some snags on the bleeding edge.
We Use Julia, 10 Years Later
using StaticCompiler # `] add` to get latest master
What are some alternatives?
Metatheory.jl - Makes Julia reason with equations. General purpose metaprogramming, symbolic computation and algebraic equational reasoning library for the Julia programming language: E-Graphs & equality saturation, term rewriting and more.
julia - The Julia Programming Language
pyomo - An object-oriented algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization problems.
PackageCompiler.jl - Compile your Julia Package
Octavian.jl - Multi-threaded BLAS-like library that provides pure Julia matrix multiplication
GPUCompiler.jl - Reusable compiler infrastructure for Julia GPU backends.
llvm-cbe - resurrected LLVM "C Backend", with improvements
oneAPI.jl - Julia support for the oneAPI programming toolkit.
prometeo - An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
hpipm - High-performance interior-point-method QP and QCQP solvers