acados | Octavian.jl | |
5 | 17 | |
901 | 236 | |
3.6% | 0.4% | |
9.6 | 3.9 | |
about 11 hours ago | 6 months ago | |
C | Julia | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | GNU General Public License v3.0 or later |
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How to understand Model Predictive Control
I would check out CasADi (specifically the opti framework) and or ACADOS. To code up a quick MPC in general is not hard, but to squeeze efficiency and exploit sparsity for good real-time performance is a little more involved and these tools really help with that.
Question about Model Predictive Control (MPC) cost function
Generally, nonlinear MPC uses either IPOPT (an interior point method) or sequential quadtraic programming based approaches (google GURBOI, qpoases, qrqp...). A good python framework is CasADi, or its sister project ACADOS. I think there is also a fair amount of literature on learning MPC cost functions from data you could probably find.
Show HN: prometeo – a Python-to-C transpiler for high-performance computing
Thanks for the question! My background is in numerical optimization for optimal control. Projects like this motivated the development of prometeo. It's mostly about solving optimization problems as fast as possible to make optimal decisions in real-time.
Do you know a good free toolbox on mpc control for GNU Octave?
Look at Acados. I didn't use it with Octave, but according the readme it has a interface with Octave.
- Yann Lecun: ML would have advanced if other lang had been adopted versus Python
Julia 1.8 has been released
For some examples of people porting existing C++ Fortran libraries to julia, you should check out,, (just off the top of my head). These are all ports of C++ or Fortran libraries that match (or exceed) performance of the original, and in the case of Arrow.jl is faster, more general, and 10x less code.
Why Julia matrix multiplication so slow in this test?
Note that a performance-optimized Julia implementation is on par or even outperform the specialized high-performance BLAS libraries, see .
Multiple dispatch: Common Lisp vs Julia
If you look at the thread for your first reference, there were a large number of performance improvements suggested that resulted in a 30x speedup when combined. I'm not sure what you're looking at for your second link, but Julia is faster than Lisp in n-body, spectral norm, mandelbrot, pidigits, regex, fasta, k-nucleotide, and reverse compliment benchmarks. (8 out of 10). For Julia going faster than C/Fortran, I would direct you to which is a julia program that beats MKL and openblas for matrix multiplication (which is one of the most heavily optimized algorithms in the world).
Why Fortran is easy to learn
> But in the end, it's FORTRAN all the way down. Even in Julia.
That's not true. None of the Julia differential equation solver stack is calling into Fortran anymore. We have our own BLAS tools that outperform OpenBLAS and MKL in the instances we use it for (mostly LU-factorization) and those are all written in pure Julia. See,, and And this is one part of the DiffEq performance story. The performance of this of course is all validated on
Show HN: prometeo – a Python-to-C transpiler for high-performance computing
Well IMO it can definitely be rewritten in Julia, and to an easier degree than python since Julia allows hooking into the compiler pipeline at many areas of the stack. It's lispy an built from the ground up for codegen, with libraries like ( that provide high level pattern matching with e-graphs. The question is whether it's worth your time to learn Julia to do so.
You could also do it at the LLVM level:
For interesting takes on that, you can see which relies on loopvectorization.jl to do transforms on Julia AST beyond what LLVM does. Because of that, Octavian.jl beats openblas on many linalg benchmarks
Python behind the scenes #13: the GIL and its effects on Python multithreading
The initial results are that libraries like LoopVectorization can already generate optimal micro-kernels, and is competitive with MKL (for square matrix-matrix multiplication) up to around size 512. With help on macro-kernel side from Octavian, Julia is able to outperform MKL for sizes up to to 1000 or so (and is about 20% slower for bigger sizes).
From Julia to Rust
> The biggest reason is because some function of the high level language is incompatible with the application domain. Like garbage collection in hot or real-time code or proprietary compilers for processors. Julia does not solve these problems.
The presence of garbage collection in julia is not a problem at all for hot, high performance code. There's nothing stopping you from manually managing your memory in julia.
The easiest way would be to just preallocate your buffers and hold onto them so they don't get collected. Octavian.jl is a BLAS library written in julia that's faster than OpenBLAS and MKL for small matrices and saturates to the same speed for very large matrices [1]. These are some of the hottest loops possible!
For true, hard-real time, yes julia is not a good choice but it's perfectly fine for soft realtime.
Julia 1.6 addresses latency issues
If you want performance benchmarks vs Fortran, has benchmarks with Julia out-performing highly optimized Fortran DiffEq solvers, and shows that pure Julia BLAS implementations can compete with MKL and openBLAS, which are among the most heavily optimized pieces of code ever written. Furthermore, Julia has been used on some of the world's fastest super-computers (in the performance critical bits), which as far as I know isn't true of Swift/Kotlin/C#.
Expressiveness is hard to judge objectively, but in my opinion at least, Multiple Dispatch is a massive win for writing composable, re-usable code, and there really isn't anything that compares on that front to Julia.
- Octavian.jl – BLAS-like Julia procedures for CPU
What are some alternatives?
Metatheory.jl - Makes Julia reason with equations. General purpose metaprogramming, symbolic computation and algebraic equational reasoning library for the Julia programming language: E-Graphs & equality saturation, term rewriting and more.
owl - Owl - OCaml Scientific Computing @
pyomo - An object-oriented algebraic modeling language in Python for structured optimization problems.
Symbolics.jl - Symbolic programming for the next generation of numerical software
StaticCompiler.jl - Compiles Julia code to a standalone library (experimental)
llvm-cbe - resurrected LLVM "C Backend", with improvements
OpenBLAS - OpenBLAS is an optimized BLAS library based on GotoBLAS2 1.13 BSD version.
prometeo - An experimental Python-to-C transpiler and domain specific language for embedded high-performance computing
Verilog.jl - Verilog for Julia
hpipm - High-performance interior-point-method QP and QCQP solvers