Ruby Ruby

Open-source Ruby projects categorized as Ruby

Top 23 Ruby Ruby Projects

  • Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails

    Project mention: Loco 0.14 on Cathyos: 始め方 | | 2025-01-10
  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  • Jekyll

    :globe_with_meridians: Jekyll is a blog-aware static site generator in Ruby

    Project mention: Create a Blogging Platform With No Backend (Zero Hosting Fee) | | 2025-01-04

    Obviously, there are a dozen choices for generating static websites (efficiently and quickly), from the classic Jekyll to the new Next.js. And you are good to go with any of them as long as your confident with it. I choose 11ty because:

  • Discourse

    A platform for community discussion. Free, open, simple.

    Project mention: Looking for the best forum software to start a new forum community in 2025 | | 2024-12-26

    Discourse may be worth considering

  • HomeBrew

    🍺 The missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)

    Project mention: Display Dir Structure in Tree Format. | | 2024-12-08


  • fastlane

    🚀 The easiest way to automate building and releasing your iOS and Android apps

    Project mention: Lessons Learned from Building Mobile Apps and Software for Startups | | 2025-01-05

    Keeping a mobile app in a releasable state at all times can be tricky with app store submission cycles (Google Play reviews can take well over a week in some cases), but tools like Bitrise and Fastlane can automate much of the release process.

  • Vagrant

    Vagrant is a tool for building and distributing development environments.

    Project mention: 🔋⚡ Ensuring High Availability with Two-Server Setup Using Keepalived | | 2024-11-28

    Ensuring high availability with limited resources can be challenging. I recently want to proove you can do it using Keepalived and just two servers 💪✨. To prove it, I used Vagrant. Here's a quick rundown of my journey! 🚀

  • Devise

    Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.

    Project mention: Rails for Everything | | 2025-01-01

    Acknowledging that I haven't had a chance to try the new Rails 8 auth stack... over the last decade I've gone from being a Devise hater to a Devise lover.

    Yes, it can seem esoteric and magical (in the bad way) until you wrap your head around the idioms and design philosophy. There's a lot of functionality that happens unless you override it. I fully get that this rubs a lot of people who aren't in the pool the wrong way.

    However, in addition to the impressive selection of modular capabilities mentioned elsewhere in this thread, there's a very bright light that goes on when you realize that you can make powerful changes to the way the library works by reopening a few controller classes and defining your own methods.

    My strong advice for anyone looking at Devise and perhaps feeling stumped is to open up and spend some tens of minutes looking at how the library does what it does. These controller - especially sessions and registrations - contain all of the business logic driving the "magic". Not only do they reveal themselves as relatively simple and well thought out, all of those yield calls mean that you can call those methods while passing a block to them. Whatever is in that block will be evaluated inside of that method when it runs.

    The people who designed Devise put a lot of thought into this stuff. When you get it, you suddenly don't want to be without it.

  • Gitlab CI

    GitLab CE Mirror | Please open new issues in our issue tracker on

    Project mention: How Elite Engg. Teams Deploy 208X More Frequently Compared to Us Mere Mortals? | | 2024-07-12

    GitLab: Another excellent CI/CD tool with robust monitoring and reporting features.

  • ruby

    The Ruby Programming Language

    Project mention: Reading the Ruby 3.4 NEWS with professionals (English translation) | | 2024-12-26

    Ruby 3.4.0 was released today, December 25th, as the annual Christmas release (Ruby 3.4.0 Release). This year, we will also be explaining the file for Ruby 3.4 on the STORES Product Blog (incidentally, this will be an article for the STORES Advent Calendar 2024, written in Japanese). Please see the previous article for an explanation of what a NEWS file is.

  • forem

    For empowering community 🌱

    Project mention: 2024 Update on Monetization: REMOVED | | 2024-12-18

    Actually, it has been removed since November 2023.

  • Le Wagon's Setup

    Setup instructions for Le Wagon's students on their first day of Web Development Bootcamp

  • Postal

    📮 A fully featured open source mail delivery platform for incoming & outgoing e-mail

    Project mention: Postal: Open-source mail delivery platform for incoming and outgoing email | | 2024-03-13
  • homebrew-core

    🍻 Default formulae for the missing package manager for macOS (or Linux)

    Project mention: UV has a killer feature you should know about | | 2025-01-12

    Yes, I am aware of all of those, although I couldn't offhand tell anyone the difference in tradeoffs between them. But I consider having to install a fresh copy of the whole distribution a grave antipattern. I'm aware that nvm and pyenv default to it and I don't like that

    I did notice how Homebrew sets env GEM_HOME=/libexec GEM_PATH=/libexec (e.g. <>) but, similar to my node experience, since I am a ruby outsider I don't totally grok what isolation that provides

  • Gollum

    A simple, Git-powered wiki with a local frontend and support for many kinds of markup and content.

    Project mention: My Simple Knowledge Management and Time Tracking System | | 2024-11-15
  • diaspora*

    A privacy-aware, distributed, open source social network.

  • Sidekiq

    Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby

    Project mention: What are some popular background job processing libraries for Rails (e.g., Sidekiq, Delayed Job)? | | 2024-12-23

    Sidekiq is known for its fast and efficient processing using threads in Ruby, which allows it to handle many jobs concurrently.

  • Spree Commerce

    A headless open source e-commerce platform for global brands

    Project mention: 15 Open-Source Projects to Replace Popular SaaS Tools & Apps 👨‍💻🔥 | | 2025-01-13

    👩‍💻 GitHub link | ⭐ 12.9K stars | 💻 Website link

  • Fluentd

    Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer (project under CNCF)

    Project mention: 🌐 Navigating the CNCF Landscape: A Roadmap for Open Source Contributions 🚀 | | 2024-10-26

    Fluentd Getting Started: Fluentd Docs

  • Capistrano

    A deployment automation tool built on Ruby, Rake, and SSH.

    Project mention: story of upgrading rails 5.x to 7.x | | 2024-08-26

    The previous deployment was using capistrano v2, and the client wants to stay with the same deployment method. So I just upgraded the code to use capistrano v3.

  • rubocop

    A Ruby static code analyzer and formatter, based on the community Ruby style guide.

    Project mention: Utilities for refactoring and upgrading Ruby code based on ASTs | | 2024-05-06

    perhaps they are biased against the tool from participating in a campaign to police the name in the past.

  • Sinatra

    Classy web-development dressed in a DSL (official / canonical repo)

    Project mention: Sinatra 4.0 | | 2024-01-25
  • faker

    A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers. (by faker-ruby)

    Project mention: Faker – generate fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers | | 2024-04-13
  • Grape

    An opinionated framework for creating REST-like APIs in Ruby.

    Project mention: 16 Best Ruby Frameworks For Web Development [2024] | | 2024-03-11

    Grape’s support extends to standard conventions, multiple format support, content negotiation, versioning, etc. The complete guide to Grape to develop REST-APIs, test the API and analyze the performance metrics is available on its official GitHub page.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Ruby Ruby related posts

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    16 projects | | 2 Jan 2025
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    3 projects | | 10 Jan 2025
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    2 projects | | 10 Jan 2025
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 13 Jan 2025
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Ruby projects in Ruby? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Ruby on Rails 56,308
2 Jekyll 49,444
3 Discourse 42,825
4 HomeBrew 42,023
5 fastlane 39,795
6 Vagrant 26,400
7 Devise 24,048
8 Gitlab CI 23,864
9 ruby 22,257
10 forem 22,091
11 Le Wagon's Setup 18,705
12 Postal 15,072
13 homebrew-core 13,926
14 Gollum 13,895
15 diaspora* 13,426
16 Sidekiq 13,208
17 Spree Commerce 13,193
18 Fluentd 12,995
19 Capistrano 12,742
20 rubocop 12,660
21 Sinatra 12,216
22 faker 11,300
23 Grape 9,890

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