extensions | Arrow | |
1 | 16 | |
125 | 939 | |
1.6% | 2.4% | |
5.6 | 4.9 | |
3 months ago | 18 days ago | |
Inform 7 | GDScript | |
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 | MIT License |
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Why did they take down the extensions library?
You can find many of the extensions here: https://github.com/i7/extensions
- Godot 4.1 Is Released
- Graphical Interface to create dialogs, choices etc. with custom nodes
Arrow v2 is out!
One way is to create your narrative in Arrow, then export and use it as a database for your runtime/interpreter. The official HTML-JS runtime is based on the same idea. Arrow uses this runtime to create playable exports (mainly for play-test and review). Yet it means you can use this runtime (with customization) to export text-adventures directly from the editor as well. Another way is to create multiple chapters, scenes, etc. and export them as assets for your game (e.g. each scene or branch as a dialog-tree for your RPG).
Source | Download | Web-App | Project's Wiki
Any Tips on Good Narrative Design Software for a Nonprogrammer?
JSON is just a text file with some specific conventions to be easily readable by other programs. Though, I took a look at the Inky's JSON export, and it's kinda convoluted. In your case Arrow might be a better fit. You can also consult with your programmer, since he'll be the person implementing your dialogue in game.
Tools/Method for planning game
I use Arrow for dialogue/scene planning.
- Just a reminder! If you need to create dialogs check out Arrow! I almost like it as much as Articy Draft.
Markup Text Editor using Godot; It looks like one of the most useless app out there, but I added some features that made it less useless :)
For others who are curious, here is the Arrow GitHub repository.
Arrow: Game Narrative Design Tool
Arrow v1.0.1 is released and now has the textual save preference I promised.
New release of Arrow (v1.0.1) is out.
What are some alternatives?
tuesday-js - simple web-based, free and open-source visual novel editor that can be used in a web browser. It is written in JavaScript without using any third party libraries and thus does not require additional software installation. The engine uses standard HTML document elements such as div and img. This allows the use of any media format supported by browsers including vector graphics svg, gif animations and css styles.
awesome-godot - A curated list of free/libre plugins, scripts and add-ons for Godot
asyncglk - AsyncGlk: A Typescript Glk library
gdext - Rust bindings for Godot 4
langterm - đšī¸ WebGL-based VT220 emulator, made as a learning example and frontend for a text adventure
godot-google-play-billing - Godot Android plugin for the Google Play Billing library
glulxe-httpd - đž HTTP+JSON Glulx (.ulx) interactive fiction server with session support
the-archive-public - đ§ââī¸ Public version of The Archive, the text adventure game on langworth.com, but without secrets.
gdsdecomp - Godot reverse engineering tools
parchment - The Interactive Fiction web app
Lorien - Infinite canvas drawing/whiteboarding app for Windows, Linux and macOS. Made with Godot.