
SparkFun_AS7265x_Arduino_Library | IRremoteESP8266 | |
7 | 19 | |
40 | 3,079 | |
- | 1.1% | |
3.7 | 6.4 | |
about 1 year ago | about 1 month ago | |
C++ | C++ | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 only |
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Combining 2 pcbs…
I need a PCB producing that encoroorates 2 existing pcbs. It is a combination of 2 open source boards. They are sparkfun thing plus esp-s2 and a sensor board a sparkfun as7265x
- Issues using AS7265X Spectral sensor with Sparkfun esp32-s2 Thing Plus
Modding advice for resin printers (changing light source)
SparkFun Triad Spectroscopy Sensor
Help: Please recommend a sensor that can convert light to frequency? And, if possible, where can I buy it (one that ships overseas)?
Edit: this looks like what you might want
- Open Source Plastic Scanner
Part2-A noob needs help on an advanced project ( Spectroscopy Sensor )
link for code used
A noob needs help on an advanced project ( Spectroscopy Sensor )
code: the same one from the library
Ask HN: What have you built with ESPHome, ESP8266 or similar hardware
Not built, but designed a widget with a rest api on a wifi endpoint on one side and an IR led on the other to automate my dumb a/c unit. There was already a library to emulate the exact IR remote control,
I built an offline smart home, and why you should too
I am planning to do this soon(TM).
Probably starting with ESPHome to control my heat pumps over IR.
The remote works but I forget to turn it off when not in one of the rooms, and it can't do smarts like keeping temperatures in desired bounds.
An ESP32 running ESPHome with high power IR LED, a presence sensor, temperature sensor, and some pre-built library to control heat pumps[1]. it looks like it should be fairly simple to implement with Home assistant.
Now if I could only disable the beep from the heat pumps receiving commands.
I would like to do smarter lighting, but the lack of decent smart light switches that support local control and are also licenced for use in AU are a blocker there.
ThermTerm: an open source heat pump controller and home automation terminal, built on ESP32
ThermTerm solves all the problems I've had with these physical controls, while integrating the heat pumps into Home Assistant via MQTT. Additional sensors pipe temperature, humidity and light data, for statistics and automation. Out of the box, ThermTerm supports Mitsubishi's infrared protocol, since that's the system I have. Thanks to integration with IRRemoteESP8266, you can make ThermTerm work with your own heat pumps by writing a few lines of adaptor code.
Mitsubishi aircon control without HA/OH
This library has the IR codes defined for tons of heat pumps. The only thing about node red is that it uses Java to build the UI on the webserver. If your already familiar with Java then no big deal, but it's just one more syntax to learn lol.
ESP32 AC Remote
I used this library with a D1 mini. I then use this to put in my dashboard There are some examples one is a receiver code that you can get your codes, they also have a lot of ACs codes already. There is also an IRServer example that integrates with MQTT and has some stuff to put in your configuration.yaml so you can get it into HA easily I used this for 6 Samsung ACs, LG Dryer, some basic fans with IR. Samsung is the same each command is like all commands in one on, temp, etc. It has all this built in. I think if you have a IR receiver on your esp board and it will sometimes pick up the commands sent by the regular remote so if someone else uses the dumb remote it will update in HA. It's not perfect but it works pretty well. you can get all in one boards on ali express if you search iresp8255 they have transmitters and receivers.
MQTT & IR Receiver
I have tried and, both cause the same error.
Struggling to get IR transmitter working
First, try to remove the resistor(i was made an ir remote using the top circuit for ir sender). check the components, maybe one of them are dead. Second, check the gpio and config. Third, maybe the problem is the code. Maybe you should try the original IRRemoteESP8266 library first: You should checkout the original esp8266 ir remote library first: checkout my project:
Used the Flipper as a tool for this project - hacking a TV-B-Gone into a home automation IR device
I was able to finally read one of my remote codes that my other receiver couldn't with the flipper. I then used this library with a D1 mini.
My HomeKit AC controller..
My AC is fujitsu and I found library to control:
About to buy an air-codition - can someone recommend one which is not-so-closed-cloud and can be possibly integrated into HASS?
If it has a remote you can try to control it with an ESP32 with an extra infrared led. Check if it is supported by this library. Some coding would be needed.
What are some alternatives?
RF_Links - These wireless transmitters and receivers easily fit into a breadboard and work well with microcontrollers to create a very simple wireless data link.
esphome-panasonic-ac - Open source alternative for Panasonic air condition wifi adapters that works locally without the Comfort Cloud
FlightView - Real-time tools for Imaging Spectroscopy Data
esphome - ESPHome is a system to control your ESP8266/ESP32 by simple yet powerful configuration files and control them remotely through Home Automation systems.
PlasticScanner-website - Website for Plastic Scanner
HomeSpan - HomeKit Library for the Arduino-ESP32
SparkFun_LIS3DH_Arduino_Library - LIS3DH Arduino Libs
Seeed_Arduino_AS5600 - The library comes with AS5600. Through this library, we can realize read the angles 、get magnetic from a magnet underneath the sensor.
PlasticScanner-Software - code to run plastic scanner
DuinoDCX - WiFi remote controller for the Behringer Ultradrive.
ArduinoJson - 📟 JSON library for Arduino and embedded C++. Simple and efficient.
Arduino-FOC - Arduino FOC for BLDC and Stepper motors - Arduino Based Field Oriented Control Algorithm Library