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Codechecker Alternatives
Similar projects and alternatives to codechecker
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SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
这里是GitHub的草场,也是戈戈圈爱好者的交流地,主要讨论动漫、游戏、科技、人文、生活等所有话题,欢迎各位小伙伴们在此讨论趣事。This is GitHub grassland, and the community place for Gege circle lovers, mainly discusses anime, games, technology, lifing and other topics. You are welcome to share interest things here. 缺氧修改器 捏脸 反光板 MySQL数据库 玉米杂草数据集 销售系统开发 疫情期间网民情绪识别比赛 996icu 预测结果导出 赖伟林刺杀小说家 购物商场 英语词汇量小程序 联级选择器Bitcoin区块链 技术面试必备基础知识 Leetcode 计算机操作系统 计算机网络 系统设计 Java (by gege-circle)
A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff.
Web Extension to save a faithful copy of an entire web page in a self-extracting ZIP file
Collaborative Collection of C++ Best Practices. This online resource is part of Jason Turner's collection of C++ Best Practices resources. See for more information.
A Github Action for linting C/C++ code integrating clang-tidy and clang-format to collect feedback provided in the form of file-annotations, thread-comments, workflow step-summary, and Pull Request reviews.
A simple mock implementation of the AWS S3 API startable as Docker image, TestContainer, JUnit 4 rule, JUnit Jupiter extension or TestNG listener
codechecker discussion
codechecker reviews and mentions
- A Python Script to connect to GitHub and Fetches Search Results
A quick look at free C++ static analysis tools
Regarding problems on clang-tidy - have you looked into Codechecker? It is based on clang tidy but also supports cppcheck and marking issues as false positives/will not fix etc...
Tools/software for visualizing code structure/dependencies of large C project.
I've been down the llvm / clang / mlir rabbit hole recently and drank this : ...
Twenty Years of Valgrind
Seconding `rr` as suggested by @tux3, it's great for debugging.
Also, the sanitizers for GCC and Clang (, and the Clang static analyzer (and tidy too) through CodeChecker (
For the Clang static analyzer, make sure your LLVM toolchain has the Z3 support enabled (OK in Debian stable for example), and enable cross translation units (CTU) analysis too for better results.
Pipeline practices.
If you have the bandwidth, I'd also recommend using something like which allows you to add results of analysis/tests to a database. This would in turn allow you to set your "stable" branch pipelines to fail if the diff of problems between runs shows you've introduced more issues that haven't been marked as addressed.
IKOS: Static analyzer for C/C++ based on the theory of Abstract Interpretation
Another open source alternative is CodeChecker [1] with the Clang static analyzer [2]. Make sure the Clang toolchain has been compiled with Z3 [3] support for better results (it's the case in Debian stable), particularly for code doing bit operations. It supports cross files analysis ("cross translation units" or CTU), which last time I checked was not the case for IKOS and helps improve diagnostics.
It's not completely turn key if you use it for a cross compiled code base, but once set-up I prefer it to another professional tool: much less false alarms. Although it's good to have both, each one found issues not seen by the other.
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 6 Dec 2024
Ericsson/codechecker is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2.0 which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of codechecker is Python.