Idiomatic is one of the most popular JavaScript style guides, and it’s open to pull requests, so you are free to contribute to it or adapt it to your own needs.
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The JavaScript Standard Style was released as open-source under an MIT license by Feross Abukhadijeh. It has a linter and a code fixer that allows you to format code automatically and easily detect bugs and style issues. Plus, you don’t need to maintain multiple style configuration files for every module or project you’re working on since no configuration is needed.
The Airbnb JavaScript Style Guide was released in 2012, and it has the complete definition of coding standards used at Airbnb. It is known for its consistency, readability, predictability, and efficiency. This style guide covers nearly every aspect of JavaScript, from objects and events to testing and performance.
The Google JavaScript Style Guide was released in 2012, and it has the complete definition of coding standards used at Google. This style guide has two parts, one focusing on style rules (aesthetic issues of formatting) and the other focusing on language rules (conventions and coding standards). In addition, it has an ESLint package that you can use to incorporate the style guide into your project.
📚 Community-driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development
AngularJS Style Guide: a community-driven set of best practices for AngularJS application development.
Clean Code JavaScript: the concepts of the book Clean Code, by Robert C. Martin, adapted for JavaScript.