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At this point you have enough knowledge to begin experimenting with various libraries and APIs. Learn how to use Hoogle, and read as much as you can/want on Haskell Planet
when you already know how to compile and run single-module interactive console programs, it takes about a day to understand basics of Cabal, and about a week to learn about input parsing and output formatting. Do you need CLI args? Use optparse-applicative. Env vars? Use envy. JSON? Use aeson. Don't think about performance and/or API conventions, that's not what you should be concerned of at this point, as you are just learning to compose things together from indivdual parts.
An extended tutorial/book on Haskell development. A library for playing Scrabble is developed as well as two clients, one of which is networked and allows for remote one or two-player games over the web. (by jimburton)
In case it's useful, here's a tutorial of mine that gets into creating a library and a couple of frontends for playing a board game, mostly using "boring Haskell" but exposing some useful patterns and touching on widely used libs for JSON, lenses, websockets etc https://github.com/jimburton/Scrabble
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Once I had a grasp of the basics I started working through Typeclassopedia. That was pretty helpful. The exercises on exercism.io in the Haskell track were a great way to warm up. I found repositories of Haskell problems and exercises to test my skill against. I took the Glasgow course online.
Personally, it felt to me like, once I really understood monad transformers (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transformers) and mtl (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl), the reasons they both exist and how they are distinct, how you use them generally and what common patterns are around structuring your app (see e.g. https://github.com/lexi-lambda/mtl-style-example and the 3-layer-cake link someone else provided here for two), a lot of stuff in the ecosystem suddenly became comprehensible and useful to me, in a practical, "real world" way. In fact I'd go so far as to assert that getting comfortable with mtl in particular is the biggest single step you can take to being able to build arbitrarily useful real-world apps that are no longer toys.
It means that you can see a type signature like this and you know immediately how it will provide what you want in the context of an arbitrary monad "stack." It means that when you are looking to understand how to use e.g. MegaParsec it doesn't surprise you that the discussion of the relevant monads is the first thing in the tutorial. It means you know why this exists https://hackage.haskell.org/package/scotty-0.12/docs/Web-Scotty-Trans.html and maybe you can even fumble through https://docs.servant.dev/en/stable/cookbook/hoist-server-with-context/HoistServerWithContext.html and use it in your app even if you don't otherwise understand all the type-level magic happening in Servant. You'll also understand what to do if you're faced with a type signature in IO or Maybe or whatever concrete monad and you have to integrate it with a more generalized monad. You may also start to understand why everyone is so interested in effect systems.