SimpleX: Messaging and Application Platform
Tour of Hell
Telegram will now hand over phone number and IP for criminal suspects
LambdaBuffers, a schema language and codegen toolkit
Free a la Carte, Compose functors into effect system – Data types à la Carte
Using ChatGPT o1 to write UI code with Elm
Haskell Postgres Stored Procedures
Why Haskell?
An open discussion forum for ArXiv papers
Confer: The symbolic links manager for your configuration files
The typed-session is now available!
Predicting the Future of Distributed Systems
PostgREST 12.2: Prometheus metrics
Essays: NSA Surveillance: A Guide to Staying Secure – Schneier on Security
It's time to return to the roots, to the C programming language
Hacking Watson with Haskell - Part 3
More Haskell Diagrams: Dynamic OpenGraph Images
More Haskell Diagrams: Wrapping Text
More Haskell Diagrams: OpenGraph Images
Executable Blog Posts: Second Take
Show HN: Functional UI Layout Engine (FULE)
More Haskell Diagrams: Images
Introduction to Haskell Diagrams
Why Does Everyone Hate Haskell, Jazz, and Pure Math?
Using niv to Manage Haskell Dependencies
Doing Horrible Things in Haskell
Terminal-based presentations using Pandoc
Announcing NeoHaskell v0.2.0: Bringing Elm-Inspired Architecture to CLI Apps
The Pact Programming Language
PostgREST – Serve a RESTful API from Any Postgre Database
Ask HN: What resources do you recommend for learning Haskell?
DevLog 00001 - Command Line Updates
Birb: Programming with Bird Emojis
Building a data compression utility in Haskell using Huffman codes
Ask HN: Why aren't more books offered as Markdown?
Show HN: I made a Haskell web-application starter kit using Htmx and AlpineJS
Poor Man's Kinesis Keyboard: The K'Nexis Keyboard (2005)
The Pre-Scheme Restoration project is now underway
Daedalus: Safer Document Parsing – ACM on Programming Languages
I learned Haskell in just 15 years
Protecting Children's Safety Requires End-to-End Encryption
Show HN: Puffin – a minimal terminal UI to manage personal finances
Zig's New CLI Progress Bar Explained
SBCL: New in Version 2.4.5
Hoogle: Search Haskell's Docs Based on Type Annotations
CS SYD – How to deal with money in software (2022)
Happy Birthday Me, Happy Birthday NeoHaskell