-❄️- 2023 Day 10 Solutions -❄️-

This page summarizes the projects mentioned and recommended in the original post on /r/adventofcode

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  1. advent-of-code

    Advent of Code (by morgoth1145)

    One could instead count |F7 (that's what I do in my refactored solution), but counting all the bends would miscount the vertical segments (FJ would end up canceling itself out).

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

    CodeRabbit logo
  3. aoc2023

    Advent of code 2023 solutions (by tobega)

  4. Advent-of-Code

    AoC solutions since 2023 (by yangcht)

    [LANGUAGES: Python] I have made an ASCII solution for this quiz... https://github.com/yangcht/Advent-of-Code/blob/main/2023/d10/output.txt. Something like this: ┌╔╗╔█╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔═══╗ └║╚╝║║║║║║║║║║║║╔══╝ ┌╚═╗╚╝╚╝║║║║║║╚╝╚═╗┐ ╔══╝╔══╗║║╚╝╚╝┐╔╗╔╝- ╚═══╝╔═╝╚╝.||-╔╝╚╝┘┐ |┌|╔═╝╔═══╗┌┐-╚╗└|┐| |┌╔╝╔╗╚╗╔═╝╔╗|┘╚═══╗ ┐-╚═╝╚╗║║╔╗║╚╗╔═╗╔╗║ └.└┐└╔╝║║║║║╔╝╚╗║║╚╝ └┐┘└┘╚═╝╚╝╚╝╚══╝╚╝.└ The full solution here: https://github.com/yangcht/Advent-of-Code/blob/main/2023/d10/d10.py

  5. aoc

    My Advent of Code 2023 Solutions (by AJMansfield)

  6. AoC-2023

    [LANGUAGE: Python] 219 / 38 https://github.com/duckyluuk/AoC-2023/blob/main/10/10.py I never thought I'd make it, but today I finally got onto the global leaderboard! My solution is very hardcoded, I'll definitely have to write a proper version without shortcuts later in the day, but still am very happy with it!

  7. advent-of-code

    My solutions for Advent of Code 2023 (by ypisetsky)

    For part 2 I handled the twist by doubling the coordinates and filling in the rest of the spaces actually along the line. From there I did a flood fill in all 4 diagonals from the start square. If I could reach the origin that flood fill was thrown out as being outside. Otherwise it was inside. Counting the even-coordinate points in the floodfill gives the answer. github

  8. puzzles

    Discontinued Migrated to https://git.sr.ht/~agausmann/puzzles (by agausmann)

    [LANGUAGE: Rust] 317 / 245 Code

  9. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

    SaaSHub logo
  10. advent-of-code-2023

    Code: https://github.com/peterolson/advent-of-code-2023/blob/master/10.py

  11. advent-of-code

    Solutions to Advent of Code (by ricbit)

  12. AdventOfCode

    Project containing C++ solutions to Advent of Code challenges in 2020. (by dag625)

    Code: AdventOfCode/2023/day10.cpp at master · dag625/AdventOfCode (github.com)

  13. advent-of-code

    Worked advent of code problems (by njhenry)


  14. advent_of_code


  15. AdventOfCode

    Hacky solutions for https://adventofcode.com (by AllanTaylor314)

    Code: main (445b314)

  16. advent-of-code

  17. advent-of-code

    Solutions to the Advent of Code (by david3x3x3)

  18. AdventOfCode

    [Language: Python] Part 1 was little doubleCoded for start Tile Part 2 I used method that Sourish17 explained that check how many times "|", "J", "L", "S" is from left side of tile, if it is an odd number then tile is inside My code: Part 1 & 2

  19. aoc

    🎄 My solutions and walkthroughs for Advent of Code and more related stuff.

    1076/1738 — Raw solution (to refactor/possibly rewrite)

  20. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 solutions (by GassaFM)

    Code: github link.

  21. advent-2023

    solutions for advent of code 2023 (by jstanley0)

    Link: https://github.com/jstanley0/advent-2023/blob/main/10.rb

  22. advent-of-code

    Here's my solution that I ran in a python notebook and the resulting visualization I made for my part 2. https://github.com/tliddle1/advent-of-code/blob/main/2023/day10.py https://github.com/tliddle1/advent-of-code/blob/main/2023/Day10.jpg

  23. AoC2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (in Hy) (by kunalb)

    Day 10

  24. aoc-2023

    [LANGUAGE: Python] 1000 / 1958 Code

  25. AoC

    Advents of Code in NASM x86_64 assembly (by JustinHuPrime)

    For both part 1 and part 2, I parsed the file into a set of flags - does the current space connect north, south, east, west? Is it, in fact, an actual space in the map? And is it marked as the starting space? I then converted the starting space into a regular space, but remembered its coordinates.

  26. aoc_kotlin

    Advent of code solutions in Kotlin

    [LANGUAGE: Kotlin] 757 / 504 Code

  27. advent-of-code-2023

    My solutions for https://adventofcode.com/2023 (by sethgirvan)

    Code here

  28. AdventOfCode

  29. AdventOfCode-Java


  30. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by abnew123)

  31. adventofcode


  32. adventofcode


  33. adventofcode

  34. AdventOfCode2023

    solutions for the 2023 advent of code written in C (by PaigePalisade)

    [LANGUAGE: C] Part 1 I implemented the breath-first search algorithm not realizing that I could have measured the length of the loop and divided in half. Part 2 was a bit of a struggle for me. At some point I figured that the best way of solving it was to print the path with box building unicode characters, put a screenshot of it into gimp, fill the inside of the path with the fill tool, and then count the number of periods in the filled region. For some reason, this didn't work and I'm not going to debug that janky solution. I eventually found the path tracing algorithm for determining if a point was in a polygon and realized that that was very easy to implement here. While my code is messy, the output for part 2 looks really cool as it prints the loop, I'll probably upload it as a visualization.

  35. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by UnicycleBloke)

  36. advent-of-code

  37. aoc-2023

    AoC 2023 in Haskell (by alexjercan)

  38. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 in Rust (by szeweq)

  39. AdventOfCode2023

    Discontinued My solutions to Advent of Code 2023 in Rust. (by HHMagnus)

    Source: Github

  40. aoc2023

    Source (not very elegant but does the job)

  41. advent_of_code

    My Advent of Code solutions in Python 3 (by thomasjevskij)

    Whew, this one was for sure the trickiest so far. Couldn't quite figure out what to google to find the right mathy stuff, so in the end I went with a hackier solution. It's for sure not pretty and a lot of copied code between the parts, but it works. Essentially I replace all non-loop tiles with a ., then I walk through the loop again always looking to the left and to the right. One of those will be inside, one will be outside. I figure out which is which, then I do a flood fill (bfs) on all the inside nodes to find everything.

  42. advent-of-code


  43. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by drbaggy)

    Second was a bit trickier - but then came up with a fast neat solution for it: Source on GitHub

  44. advent_of_code

    Place for my advent of code stuff (by damwaingames)

    Day 10

  45. AOC2023

    Advent of code 2023 (by SPixs)

    Day 10 on GitHub

  46. advent_of_code

    Advent of Code solutions -- see: https://adventofcode.com/ (by solarshado)

    github (very messy, too tired to cleanup at this point)

  47. advent-of-code-2023

  48. adventofcode2023

    Repository for advent of code 2023. (by arseniivanov)

    part1 + part2 code

  49. AdventOfKode2023

  50. advent-of-code

  51. advent-of-code

    Puzzle solutions for advent of code 2022, 2023 and 2024 (by dlesbre)

  52. advent-of-code

    All Advent of Code solutions in Python (by taddeus)

  53. advent-of-code

  54. AdventOfCode2023

    Advent Of Code 2023 solutions in go (by rumkugel13)

  55. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by danvk)

  56. advent-of-code

    advent of code in bash (by cgsdev0)

    part 1: https://github.com/cgsdev0/aoc-2023/blob/main/day10/p1.sh

  57. advent_of_code_2023

    Solutions for Advent of Code 2023 (by ropewalker)

  58. Aoc2023

    I'd never heard of the Shoelace Theorem, so I did it the hard way instead.

  59. AOC2023

    Advent of Code 2023, solved with QuickBASIC (by dbeneat)

    Link to Github

  60. advent-of-code

  61. AdventOfCode

  62. aoc2021

    Advent of Code 2021 - 2023 (by dirk527)

  63. AdventOfCode2023

    AdventOfCode2023 (by marcodelmastro)

  64. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (Mojo)

  65. aoc

    Was fairly easy to come up with a quick and dirty solution with some standard GIS tooling.

  66. adventofcode

    Advent of code solutions (by mathsaey)

    Part one went fairly fast, but spent quite some time on getting part two right. I settled on the approach of just iterating over the grid and using a boolean to see if I had to count elements or not. However, I had some issues figuring out when to swap, this post by /u/rogual helped me figure it out. After that I lost quite some time on an error that only occurred with my input, not with the example input. It turned out that my loop (which I take form my p1 solution) didn't include the start node, which caused all sorts of counting issues.

  67. advent_of_code_2023


  68. aoc

    I thought I was prepared to tackle something of this kind with my exhaustive Vector implementation.

  69. advent-of-code

    language c++

  70. aoc

    Solutions to Advent of Code. (by shraddhaag)

    Solution: https://github.com/ShraddhaAg/aoc/blob/main/day10/main.go

  71. aoc2023-rs

    Advent Of Code 2023 solutions in rust

    common: implement neighbours using directions and character behaviour part 1: simple iterative bfs : https://github.com/happyhacks/aoc2023-rs/blob/master/day10a/src/main.rs

  72. AoC2023_NodeJS


  73. minimicro-editor-themes

    Custom colors (themes) for the built-in code editor in Mini Micro

    [LANGUAGE: MiniScript]

  74. AoC-2023

    Advent of Code 2023 solutions and support code in MiniScript (by JoeStrout)

  75. advent-2023

    🎄 Advent of Code 2023: Solutions in Scala

    [LANGUAGE: Scala] GitHub

  76. aoc2023

    advent of code solutions (by over-seer)

    Both parts on GitHub here.

  77. AdventOfCode2023

    A repository for storing my Advent of Code 2023 solutions. (by AlexPTerry)

    Messy code here

  78. AdventOfCode

    C# solutions for AdventOfCode (by Kumark95)


  79. Advent-of-Code

    Advent of Code (by michaeljgallagher)

    Way trickier than I was expecting

  80. advent-of-code-2023


  81. advent_of_code

    my solutions to advent of code (by comforttiger)

  82. advent_of_code

    C++23 solutions to advent of code puzzles -- all years complete. (by jwezorek)

  83. aoc_rust_2023

    Advent of Code 2023 solutions in Rust.

  84. advent-of-code

    Solving Advent of Code (by pemoreau)

  85. coding-challenges

    Source code in GitHub. Really, really messy code. I had no real idea how to tackle the second part and have been experimenting "painting" the grid to make progress.

  86. adventofcode2023

    It was driving me nuts that I couldn't get BFS right. Then I re-copy-pasted the input and it worked. Moral of story: Sometimes it is the input not me. Part 2 owes special thanks to u/Boojum and u/theadamabrams for their super helpful visualizations. Code

  87. aoc

  88. aoc23

    Here is a permalink to my GitHub : (solve_2_try_2 is the good function) https://github.com/asibahi/aoc23/blob/ce8aa99faddabf09f78de34cc8fd3bd520fb0072/src/bin/day10.rs . I am not entirely sure how else to do this.

  89. adventOfCode

    adventOfCode (by GuillaumedeVolpiano)

  90. advent-of-code

    Advent of Code Programming Puzzles (by foolnotion)

  91. adventOfCode23

  92. AdventOfCodeRust

    Rust solutions to AdventOfCode (by amSiddiqui)


  93. advent_of_code_2023

    Advent of Code 2023 done in V (by xXMacMillanXx)

    Github day 10 part 1 working, part 2 not working

  94. aoc2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by MeisterLLD)

  95. aoc_2023

  96. adventofcode

  97. puzzles

    collection of solutions for various programming puzzles (by jcmoyer)

  98. aoc

    Discontinued Advent of Code - mscha's Perl 6 solutions (by mscha)

  99. adventofcode

    solutions to adventofcode (by valple)

    [LANGUAGE: Common Lisp] https://github.com/valple/adventofcode/blob/master/2023/aoc2023.lisp (at the end of the file)

  100. aoc2023

  101. advent-of-code

    Part 2: Using the Part 1 as a start point for moving around the path, this time I created a grid twice the size and then tracked each space I moved around filling in the gap between the neighbouring cells, this then left a 1 "pixel" gap for later. Ran a flood fill function at 0,0. My first attempt at a recursive function caused JS to RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded so I Googled some JS flood fill functions and adapted one. Finally I ran through all the even pixels, counting any that remained empty.

  102. adventofcode

    Solutions for problems from AdventOfCode.com (by bhosale-ajay)

  103. adventofcode

    Doing advent of code problems in D. (by schveiguy)

  104. advent-of-code

    My Advent of Code answers (by tcsullivan)

  105. adventofcode-2023


  106. advent-of-code-2023

    Solutions for Advent of Code 2023, written in JavaScript using node.js (by johnbeech)

  107. advent_of_code_2023

  108. AOC2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by mbottini)

    ARRRRGGGGGHHHH part 2 was awful

  109. advent-of-code-2023

    Advent of code 2023 (by massahud)


  110. aoc2023

    Advent of code 2023 (by netrome)

    [LANGUAGE: Rust] GitHub

  111. aoc2023

    Advent of Code - 2023 (by AloizioMacedo)

  112. advent-of-code

    My solutions to the Advent of Code puzzles (by hiimjasmine00)

  113. aoc

    advent of code (js / deno ts ) (by jackysee)


  114. aoc

    Advent of code (by SaahilClaypool)

    Final solution is okay though (github)

  115. AdventOfCode

    Fast solutions for Advent of Code (by Skirlez)

  116. aoc2023

    My solves for advent of code 2023 (by guebe)


  117. adventofcode2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by schoelle)

  118. advent-of-code-2023

    I struggled immensely today, graph and geometry are truly my kryptonite. I had to search for a bunch of explanation on part2 but I ended up with something satisfying in the end I believe (about 15ms for part1+part2). Code here.

  119. AdventOfCode2023

  120. Advent_Of_Code

    My solution for the Advent of Code challenges in various languages. (by Dullstar)

  121. advent-of-code-2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by wsgac)


  122. AdventOfCode

    Advent of Code Solutions (by auxym)


  123. AdventOfCode

    A collection of my Advent of Code scripts (by xhoneybear)

  124. advent_of_code_2023

    repo for advent of code 2023, xmas themed coding challenge

  125. advent-of-code

    Solutions to Advent of Code (https://adventofcode.com/) (by aviralg)

  126. adventofcode

    My solutions to Advent of Code. (by WinslowJosiah)

  127. aoc

    Advent of Code (by wleftwich)

  128. advent-of-code-2023

    Link to solution on GitHub

  129. aoc

  130. AdventOfCode

  131. arturo-aoc-2023

    AOC 2023 in Arturo

  132. advent_of_code

    Advent of Code solutions in Rust (by cainkellye)

  133. advent-of-code

    My Advent of Code solutions (by thomasschafer)

    Am I going mad, or has anyone else noticed that an answer they submitted yesterday that was rejected is now being accepted? Is this the first time that the "My answer wasn't accepted - must be a bug in AoC" meme might actually apply?? I was pulling my hair out yesterday trying to find out why my answer for part 2 wasn't being accepted, and I've tried inputting the same answer today and now it's being accepted - I've also checked against another solution that was upvoted a lot on this thread that gave a different (i.e. presumably incorrect) answer, so I'm wondering if there was actually a bug in whatever AoC uses behind the scenes to generate the correct answer, at least when applied to my data? Anyway, here's my solution - I start at the top left loop node (which must be an F by definition) and then walk the loop clockwise (at least, clockwise initially) from there, doing DFS on each node that is to the right as I walk the loop (i.e. right from the walker's perspective, not right in the grid) and adding nodes that the DFS finds until it reaches a loop node. I've not seen anyone else implement this so thought it was worth sharing

  134. aoc-2023

    Advent of code 2023 (by trolleyman)

  135. advent_of_code_2023

    part 1 & 2

  136. aoc2023

    Advent of code 2023 (by simonbrahan)

    The nastiest part 2 that ever there was...

  137. AOC2023

    Advent of Code 2023 (by wlmb)

  138. adventofcode

    Advent of Code challenge solutions (by flwyd)

    Code on GitHub is currently a mess.

  139. advent-of-code-2023

    Common Lisp solutions to Advent of Code 2023 (by blake-watkins)

    Day 10

  140. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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NOTE: The number of mentions on this list indicates mentions on common posts plus user suggested alternatives. Hence, a higher number means a more popular project.

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