Worth noting is that this framework has telemetry [1] enabled by default [2] which gathers and sends off various information about your system unless you explicitly disable it.
[1] https://github.com/reflex-dev/reflex/blob/919f239168d789056d...
[2] https://github.com/reflex-dev/reflex/blob/919f239168d789056d...
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My major complain here is that, as far as being a web framework there is precious little information here about the framework. How does this framework scale with multiple requests? What concurrency strategy is it using (threads, processes, actors, etc?). Is this opinionated (it doesn't seem so but it also doesn't say it isn't either). How does this work with popular libraries x,y,z. The full docs have a little bit more information, but not a ton. But mostly there are some cute toy examples and "built in python" and thats about it.
Lets compare this with for example play https://www.playframework.com/ I know from this that it built on Akka, its stateless, aims for predictable resource consumption, has non-blocking io, etc. There is a ton of really important information on what does this web framework actually do that is really important when you are making a choice of a framework.
I have no idea how good this framework is, but besides a few toy examples, I can't see anything that makes me thing "wow this is great I need to use this".
I'm following Pynecone (now Reflex) from the start and liked the idea of building out an AST with Python and compiling that to a working web app (we're actually doing the same with https://wasp-lang.dev/, only it's a DSL and an explicit compiler with JS interop).
Interactive programs without callbacks or side-effects. Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) uses composable events and time-varying values to describe interactive systems as pure functions. Just like other pure functional code, functional reactive code is easier to get right on the first try, maintain, and reuse. (by reflex-frp)
Not to be confused with Reflex, allowing web apps in pure Haskell: https://reflex-frp.org/
These 'pure Python' UI frameworks may never capture the market of existing full-stack development, but they may capture untapped markets of Python programmers who would build UIs if only they could stay in Python / if they could avoid the JS stack.
Companies may also benefit by hiring Python devs for some UI-based tasks, like internal tools, that don't need the fine control you get in full-stack development. https://streamlit.io proved this in the data science space. Turns out the last thing data scientists want to do is fiddle with JS, CSS, Vite, node, npm, client-server protocols, etc., but they really want to build UIs for their models.
- you get one of the best ORMs in existence with great relationship handling and generated admins
Not 1.0 yet but I'm using it in production and omgosh is it easy to crank out UIs.
This is awesome.
Also check out https://laravel-livewire.com (PHP) and https://hotwired.dev (backend agnostic; there are implementations for Rails and Flask) and https://htmx.org
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