The Fennel Programming Language
Funnel for Lisp Based Game
Did we lose our way in making efficient software? – ~30 MB doc file vs. browser
J3blocks is a Janet scripting system for i3bar and swaybar
Lisp Programming with Vim (2019)
Conjure: Evaluating code within your running program
Interactive Lisp family languages evaluation for Neovim
Configuring Neovim with Fennel
Why Fennel?
Fennel minimal-ish nvim config
Has anyone made this plugin?
Can I use elixir as the scripting language of my game engine?
TimL: Clojure-like Lisp dialect that runs on and compiles down to Vimscript
Announcing automation-service: write and schedule home automation scripts in Lua
Nine ways to shoot yourself in the foot with PostgreSQL
Telescope config to move around workspace files
I'm trying to switch from Python to Lua so I can get into game development... where do I start?
What do you use 's' for in normal mode? vanilla? or something like leap?
How come NeoVim, with all the "API is first-class" and "extensibility" brags, has such bad documentation on these topics compared to Vim?
how to configure conjure, aniseed, parinfer in lua for neovim clojure development?
clojure-lsp in neovim is not navigating to function definitions/namespaces
A plugin to quickly cycle between your themes and persist the desired one across vim sessions without touching your config.
Nyooml: Use neovim's builtin LuaJIT as a portable fennel interpreter and repl
People who switched from Vim/Emacs to VSCode, what do you miss the most?
Researching Lispy Neovim
Levelling up my movement game.
nvim-tree split navigations do not work
Implementing Basic UI in Love2d
Fennel: Lua Lisp Language
🌿 nvim-laurel: Another set of syntax sugar macros in Fennel
Is a plugin like leap.nvim actually better than using vanilla neovim
which surround plugin do you use?
Become A Neovim Kangaroo
Functional language for game development?
The Fennel Programming Language
Leap: Neovim’s Answer to the Mouse
Leap: Neovim’s Answer to the Mouse
Leap: Neovim’s Answer to the Mouse
lspconfig broke my config and I don't know how to replace it
[help] How to write nvim plugins with Fennel?
Having trouble connecting (Neo)Vim to a REPL
leap.nvim: Next-gen Motion Plugin for Neovim
prettierrc.nvim | Editor setting via prettier config
Lightspeed/Leap: rethinking Visual and Operator-pending keymaps
Does anyone have a working Fennel config, preferably using Tangerine or Hotpot?
Lisp in Vim (2019)
Search on buffer with summary
"LUA++ (lupp)" a language to fix all of lua's syntax's issues (WIP)
FizzBuzz is FizzBuzz years old (and still a powerful tool)
Does anyone use EasyMotion or a comparable quick-movement extension in VS Code, and is it worth it?