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Top 21 Emacs Lisp emacs-package Projects
SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
Package-based, web-centric, customizable, awesome-by-default, acceptance-tested Emacs distribution
OrgMsg is a GNU/Emacs global minor mode mixing up Org mode and Message mode to compose and reply to emails in a Outlook HTML friendly style.
Project mention: org-pandoc-import VS edit-as-format - a user suggested alternative | | 2024-12-18
Provide extra protocols to make like Fever, NewsBlur, Nextcloud/ownCloud News and Tiny Tiny RSS work with elfeed
The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars.
The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or
since we started tracking (Dec 2020).
Emacs Lisp emacs-packages discussion
Emacs Lisp emacs-packages related posts
org-pandoc-import VS edit-as-format - a user suggested alternative
2 projects | 18 Dec 2024 -
Emacs: Contextual Interfaces in Casual Calc
Improving Emacs Isearch Usability with Transient
super-save 0.4 is out with a bunch of new features!
Ask HN: Does anyone Lisp without Emacs?
epkg: Browse the Emacsmirror package database
Using Eglot+rust-analyzer, possible to analyze code on the fly similar to JetBrains IDE?
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 16 Jan 2025
What are some of the best open-source emacs-package projects in Emacs Lisp? This list will help you:
# | Project | Stars |
1 | smart-mode-line | 909 |
2 | god-mode | 876 |
3 | frontmacs | 502 |
4 | evil-multiedit | 347 |
5 | evil-snipe | 340 |
6 | emacs-solaire-mode | 333 |
7 | emacs-gdscript-mode | 323 |
8 | super-save | 317 |
9 | org-msg | 283 |
10 | borg | 260 |
11 | org-pandoc-import | 246 |
12 | emacs-vdiff | 216 |
13 | dired-rsync | 126 |
14 | reverse-im.el | 119 |
15 | elfeed-protocol | 104 |
16 | perfect-margin | 97 |
17 | lexic | 78 |
18 | epkg | 55 |
19 | ede-php-autoload | 22 |
20 | iqa.el | 11 |
21 | qpdf.el | 5 |