Top 50 Trending Emacs Lisp Projects
ð· Run code formatter on buffer contents without moving point, using RCS patches and dynamic programming.
Package-based, web-centric, customizable, awesome-by-default, acceptance-tested Emacs distribution
The growth percentage is calculated as the increase in the number of stars
compared to the previous month. We list only projects that have
at least 500 stars and a GitHub organization logo set.
What are some of the trending open-source Emacs Lisp projects? This list will help you:
Project | Growth | |
1 | transient | 4.6% |
2 | apheleia | 4.0% |
3 | no-littering | 2.4% |
4 | meow | 2.0% |
5 | forge | 1.2% |
6 | god-mode | 1.1% |
7 | melpa | 1.1% |
8 | evil | 1.1% |
9 | copilot.el | 1.0% |
10 | magit | 1.0% |
11 | jupyter | 1.0% |
12 | emacs-ng | 1.0% |
13 | dockerfile-mode | 0.9% |
14 | structured-haskell-mode | 0.9% |
15 | doomemacs | 0.9% |
16 | evil-surround | 0.8% |
17 | lsp-ui | 0.8% |
18 | elisp-tree-sitter | 0.7% |
19 | editorconfig-emacs | 0.7% |
20 | GNU Emacs | 0.7% |
21 | quelpa | 0.6% |
22 | git-gutter | 0.6% |
23 | evil-collection | 0.6% |
24 | crafted-emacs | 0.5% |
25 | rust-mode | 0.5% |
26 | emacs-dashboard | 0.5% |
27 | haskell-mode | 0.5% |
28 | kubernetes-el | 0.5% |
29 | lux | 0.5% |
30 | lsp-java | 0.5% |
31 | realgud | 0.5% |
32 | lsp-mode | 0.4% |
33 | polymode | 0.4% |
34 | straight.el | 0.4% |
35 | dap-mode | 0.4% |
36 | org-roam | 0.4% |
37 | org-roam-bibtex | 0.4% |
38 | php-mode | 0.3% |
39 | themes | 0.3% |
40 | ESS | 0.3% |
41 | company-mode | 0.3% |
42 | anaconda-mode | 0.3% |
43 | clj-refactor.el | 0.3% |
44 | cider | 0.3% |
45 | cask | 0.2% |
46 | clojure-mode | 0.2% |
47 | flycheck | 0.2% |
48 | frontmacs | 0.2% |
49 | helm-dash | 0.2% |
50 | Elsa | 0.2% |