
neovim-remote | neovimcraft | |
38 | 43 | |
1,774 | 338 | |
- | 1.8% | |
0.0 | 6.5 | |
over 1 year ago | about 2 months ago | |
Python | TypeScript | |
MIT License | MIT License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
Has anyone managed to get Neovim and Unity working well together?
Notice that this script depends on mhinz/neovim-remote: Support for --remote and friends. ( (nvr as you have notice). The full-path is required to make it work.
flatten.nvim - open files from a neovim terminal in your current neovim instance - no more nested neovim sessions!
I am currently using with this bit in my zshrc:
How can a single LSP server be used for files opened across different neovim instances?
Since they are on different screens I cannot use a single neovim instance (I tried playing around with neovim-remote but seems like that's for the usecase of opening files in one instance from different terminals -- doesn't help). Due to multiple LSP instances changes in one file are not reflected in the other, e.g., file B imports some types from file A; I create a new type in A but since B's neovim instance is not aware of any change to the A file corresponding the LSP fails to see the new type.
Announce page 4.0.0 (program which turns neovim into pager) now with simple file picker
This version includes `nv` binary which is [neovim-remote]( but rewritten in Rust (I've did it out of boredom) also with interface similar to `page`.
neovim: server mode
Practical use case: when navigating in ANY terminal (or tmux) write a function that sends opened files to a single running neovim instance instead of spreading opened vim instances all around like neovim remote does, but works for any terminal
- [help] How to use an nvim process to control another nvim process
What's everyone working on this week (38/2022)?
I see the integration with neovim is done via a separate plugin, did you think about adding support for neovim-remote?
- Help understanding pathing
- Keep LSP running in the background.
LSP does not recognize changes in other files.
Another way of doing what u/TheLeoP23 suggested is by using . This way you have a single neovim instance and you can open it on different terminals and mantain your current workflow.
Svelte 5: Runes
I originally created in Svelte to learn how it works.
I found `$:` to be extremely confusing and full of weird quirks and completely turned me off to svelte entirely -- and decided to rip it out entirely for something simpler.
Runes seem like a clear improvement, but brings Svelte a step closer to React -- which hurts its appeal to me.
The difference between `let counter = $state(0)` and `const [counter, setCounter] = useState(0)` is near its initial value -- zero.
What IDEA or Vscode feature/function you want to have in neovim eco-system?
Does the community have a central repository of all plugins? I’ve used both this repo and neovim craft. If the latter creator has exposed the data via api that’s a fantastic plugin idea.
Is this Neovim?
If you need plugins check out these websites. Awesome Neovim. and Neovimcraft.
Any good pre configured repo/config to work in a multi purpose daily basis?
Plus, you can take a look at awesome-neovim or neovimcraft for plugins that you may want to use. Lastly, you can also look at my config for some reference/guide. Hope it helps.
5 Features Neovim Is Still Missing: Love The Project But Still Wish For More
Always interesting to see how other people use Neovim and what they think is important! I found myself nodding my head to some of these and being completely unconcerned about others. In particular, I think that omnicomplete and completion in general is at a really good point for upstreaming. The landscape of completion sources hasn't been changing too much over the past few years, the problem is well understood, and the desirability is high (nvim-cmp is the fifth most starred Neovim plugin of all time).
Anyone willing to share configuration for Ruby on Rails?
Quick tip: Just think what plugins you need then search it on awesome-neovim and Looking at other configs will definitely help you. You can find other configs here at neovimcraft or dofyle.
Introducing discover and share neovim configs
I originally landed on because of
Found an awesome awesome-neovim website
I think you can make a PR to both and, looks like they accept PRs very often.
Show HN: Neovim Plugin for ChatGPT
Very cool! I added it to
- Recommendations on discovering new plugins?
What are some alternatives?
neovide - No Nonsense Neovim Client in Rust
my-neovim-pluginlist - My personal list of Neovim plugins
vim-slime - A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
dotfyle - Find the best Neovim plugins
vim-floaterm - :computer: Terminal manager for (neo)vim
vim-smoothie - Smooth scrolling for Vim done right🥤
vim-dispatch - dispatch.vim: Asynchronous build and test dispatcher
wilder.nvim - A more adventurous wildmenu
lazygit.nvim - Plugin for calling lazygit from within neovim.
ocaml-lsp - OCaml Language Server Protocol implementation
vimux - easily interact with tmux from vim
code-minimap - 🛰 A high performance code minimap render.