
neoterm | sniprun | |
22 | 27 | |
1,317 | 1,540 | |
- | 1.6% | |
1.2 | 7.2 | |
almost 2 years ago | 9 days ago | |
Vim Script | Rust | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later | MIT License |
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Does anyone use vim for lisp dev?
I use Vim with neoterm, highly recommend. - guaranteed support on everything with a repl - never creates unexpected windows - every interaction is explicit
mini.move - Move any selection in any direction
At the moment I am planning to write two modules and then start on 'mini.terminals'. I usually prioritize work based on combination of "I have some cool idea about this" and "I don't like what I am currently using". I am using kassio/neoterm for a very long time and it is quite OK for my needs.
What is to go-to environment on Windows for Common LISP development?
Neovim works just fine. I use Neoterm to send-to-repl, here's what my config looks like. Your other options include vlime and slimv. I switched to neoterm because it's simple, explicit, and doesn't create unpredictable windows. Works for any other language just as well.
Show HN: PostgreSQL Sessions in Vim
Using neovim + I have a similar, possibly simpler, workflow that doesn't require any other program (especially listening willy nilly with no authentication/authorization whatsoever) other than your normal SQL client running:
* I open a :Term window, in which I run the sql client (i.e. ":Texec sqlite\ foo.sqlite" or ":Texec mysql foo", etc)
Is SLIME setup possible for Vim?
I'm using neoterm. I like that I can use the same tech for every language + consistent keybinds. Also Slime might not support a more fringe or outdated lisp distro but a plain old VTY terminal always will.
How to automatically close or re-use previous terminal when running vim-test multiple times
I've been using Neoterm, coupled with its vim-test strategy, for this
Vim 9.0 Was Released
Having gone from a stock vim to a highly modified vim and back again, here are some plugins that I find really boost my productivity:
- neoterm, for opening a REPL in a split buffer and quickly sending chunks of lines to the REPL (
- fzf for faster buffer and file navigation (
- vim fugitive for good git integration (
- some other tpope plugins (surround, unimpared, commentary, vinegar)
What would you consider a modern lisp workflow/toolchain?
I found Vlime to be more updated than slimv and give a smoother experience. With time I've switched to bare neoterm which I highly recommend. CL and lisps in general are designed with a text repl in mind, so this is the method that is guaranteed to work on every obscure CL distribution, and also transfer well to any other REPL-based languages.
Any way to send errors from npm (yarn) local server to neovim?
I start terminal inside of neovim. It works really well. In this terminal, you can use gf (goto file) keybindigs, etc. It works especially well with this plugin:
Advice for r and rmarkdown using vim?
Workflow is basically to open two windows (left with code, right with terminal) and send code from left window to right with a help of kassio/neoterm.
Compile and run inside nvim
If you want to compile/run specific lines of code (not the whole project), my plugin sniprun should be worth a look
How to take input in Python using lunar vim?
If I understand currently this plugin should do the trick for you.
In-editor lua REPL: nvim-luadev vs neorepl.nvim
I can't speak for the two above plugins (I shall try them!), but... While I'm developing in Lua, I like to use michaelb's sniprun. I'll just build my tests inside the file I'm working on, and see my outputs update live within the buffer as I edit.
Tools for productivity
REPL??? Do you have a very-easy-to-use way of running and testing your code? From vim-slime to nvim sniprun to autocommands with the built in terminal, to an external repl like ptpython (for python obviously). iron.nvim and conjure are two other neovim repl plugins. There are many ways of running the code that you're working on, and having something that makes this really easy for you is pretty essential. (sometimes I use inotifytools on linux to literally just run the script every time I save it.)
Favorite REPL/Notebook/Task Running plugins and workflow?
I'm glad for the reminder about sniprun, I had it bookmarked but not categorized well enough and forgot about it.
TIL: you can run code inside markdown :O
Install SnipRun
New plugin: Equals (#=)
A similar plugin that comes to mind is sniprun.
- Run code in Nvim
- Is there any plugin or a way where I can see my code like this and not opening a browser to view it?
- Plugin for send code unit to any interpreter
What are some alternatives?
toggleterm.nvim - A neovim lua plugin to help easily manage multiple terminal windows
code_runner.nvim - Neovim plugin.The best code runner you could have, it is like the one in vscode but with super powers, it manages projects like in intellij but without being slow
iron.nvim - Interactive Repl Over Neovim
vim-floaterm - :computer: Terminal manager for (neo)vim
asyncrun.vim - :rocket: Run Async Shell Commands in Vim 8.0 / NeoVim and Output to the Quickfix Window !!
neomux - Control Neovim from shells running inside Neovim.
vim-slime - A vim plugin to give you some slime. (Emacs)
deol.nvim - Dark powered shell interface for Vim/Neovim
codi.vim - :notebook_with_decorative_cover: The interactive scratchpad for hackers.
vim-terminator - :dagger: Run your code in an output buffer or a vim terminal conveniently