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Using neovim + https://github.com/kassio/neoterm I have a similar, possibly simpler, workflow that doesn't require any other program (especially listening willy nilly with no authentication/authorization whatsoever) other than your normal SQL client running:
* I open a :Term window, in which I run the sql client (i.e. ":Texec sqlite\ foo.sqlite" or ":Texec mysql foo", etc)
See also Dadbod UI on (neo)vim to interact with databases: https://github.com/kristijanhusak/vim-dadbod-ui
I used dadbod[0] and the following in my vimrc[1] to do a similar thing, only I haven't make the shortcuts for sending a block yet.
Looks nice though, maybe I'll try it out sometime!
[0] https://github.com/tpope/vim-dadbod
[1] au FileType sql nmap d :%:DB g:db
I've been trying the neovim plugin (vim plugin available as well) for the sqls language server lately as an alternative to Dadbod, I like it so far: https://github.com/lighttiger2505/sqls#editor-plugins
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