I could never get a good Lisp set-up going on vim (though I don't think I tried vlime,) but I've found evil mode a nice way to bring vi-style editing to emacs.
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I use Vim with neoterm, highly recommend. - guaranteed support on everything with a repl - never creates unexpected windows - every interaction is explicit
You can connect to things running swank (like, your stumpwm config) using mondo. It starts a regular old repl connected to the swank port.
I use Vim with slimv, and have for years.
https://github.com/vlime/vlime works for me fine
Sadly Vlime is the best I have experience with. It is very clunky, but it does work. There is nvlime which aims to improve the experience for Neovim, but I have not tried it yet because it requires the current master builds.
You can open an input buffer (si), write an expression and press to send it to the REPL. Personally though I prefer just writing my code straight into the current Lisp buffer and sending the top-level form to the REPL, then deleting the form. Neovim has prompt-buffers (:h prompt-buffer) which could be used to give us a proper interactive REPL buffer. It is the same thing used by nvim-dap for the debugger REPL.