
guake | dotfiles | |
28 | 13 | |
4,487 | 30 | |
0.5% | - | |
6.8 | 7.9 | |
about 1 month ago | 29 days ago | |
Python | Shell | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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Source code for Quake 2 rerelease
Discovering the drop down console was a revelation.
An homage:
Do you have any recommended modifications that you make to your default Mint installation?
One of the very first things I do is to install Guake terminal. I usually change its hotkey to ctrl-alt-T, because I'm so used to using that for the terminal.
ddterm alternative with split view?
Maybe Guake will be to your liking?
I want to edit window border but there is no option to.
I did discover one irrelevant cool thing though, well worth your time playing with: GUAKE -->
- Help Installing Guake Terminal
- F12 does not open Guake
Any Windows terminals that can drop-down Quake-style?
Guake does it, too (on Linux).
- Is it possible to upgrade the default terminal to something like the default Kali one?
- Sorry for the bitrate, but can someone help me with this performance issue? I just built this pc, and for some reason in game my fps appears to be capping itself at certain times, going as low to 30 when i can easily have 300+ as if i have vsync on. Is there a setting or something causing this?
How do I reduce the volume of an app that only plays sound while in focus?
I'm not sure which desktop or window manager you use, but you could try using a drop-down terminal like Guake and running pulsemixer on a tab in it.
- KRESZ tevhitek
- I am trying to make a list of thing that I want in my arch linux before the installation. Can u recommand some applicanion that is useful.
- You started a new job, what are the first tools you install on your machine?
- anyone using a module that lets you switch between audio sinks?
- Best way to manage dotfiles using just Git
Perfect KDE Plasma compositing combo: Kwin + Picom
This is how I install it, then the service file is very similar too it just starts this other picom executable.
First linux distro, so here's the cliched neofetch/htop picture.
I install it from repo like this:
hashdir - A command-line utility to checksum directories and files
So I decided that I do something way simpler. I suggest you read my README, or just check out my dotfile repo:
What is a program that you use that's uncommon but essential for you?
Another example on how the modules matter more than pont itself. On it's own it has 0 context on what XDG folder locations are, but I have an xdg module ( that has an environmental file in ~/.config/environment.d listing my XDG config (which is pretty much the default but that doesnt matter) And a named, environment script. These environment scripts are always run, no matter what. And I'm using them to source environmental variables, so if ANOTHER module is dependent on xdg because I'm using these variables, it doesnt matter if my environment has these variables or not, pont will load them, from there.
What are some alternatives?
Gogh - Gogh is a collection of color schemes for various terminal emulators, including Gnome Terminal, Pantheon Terminal, Tilix, and XFCE4 Terminal also compatible with iTerm on macOS.
pont - pont, the dotmodule manager
albert - A fast and flexible keyboard launcher
SwiftDefaultApps - Replacement for RCDefaultApps, written in Swift.
alacritty - A cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator.
fsearch - A fast file search utility for Unix-like systems based on GTK3
terminator - multiple GNOME terminals in one window
ueberzug - ueberzug is a command line util which allows to display images in combination with X11. The user is expected to have knowledge of theoretical computer science.
themix-gui - Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based) theme (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Color, Numix, Papirus and Suru++ icon themes. Have a hack for HiDPI in gtk2. Its Base16 plugin also allowing a lot of app themes support like Alacritty, Emacs, GTK4, KDE, VIM and many more.
sxiv - Simple X Image Viewer
kitty - Cross-platform, fast, feature-rich, GPU based terminal