diabloweb | cosmopolitan | |
15 | 224 | |
2,744 | 18,860 | |
- | 1.3% | |
0.0 | 9.8 | |
over 2 years ago | 25 days ago | |
JavaScript | C | |
- | ISC License |
Stars - the number of stars that a project has on GitHub. Growth - month over month growth in stars.
Activity is a relative number indicating how actively a project is being developed. Recent commits have higher weight than older ones.
For example, an activity of 9.0 indicates that a project is amongst the top 10% of the most actively developed projects that we are tracking.
- Diablo 1 for Web Browsers
- Diablo 1 Ported to WebAssembly
- Diablo Game Concept (1994) [pdf]
Is it possible to play diablo:hellfire in browser
I don't think so. The Rivsoft port didn't have support for it far as I know and is based on a very old version of Devilution ( https://github.com/d07RiV/diabloweb )
Diablo 1 with mouse and keyboard support
I am not sure if it’s a common knowledge or not but you can play Diablo 1 that has keybord and mouse support in the browser on the Mac and iPad / iPhone - check the repo here https://github.com/d07RiV/diabloweb
- Diablo 1 for web browsers
Hacker News top posts: Aug 20, 2022
Diablo 1 for Web Browsers\ (62 comments)
- 适用于网页浏览器的暗黑破坏神1 (Diablo 1 for Web Browsers)
- Release Cosmopolitan v4.0.0 · jart/cosmopolitan
Wasmer 5.0
> Using a binary for each platform and chip is the past.
Cosmopolitan sends its regards: https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan
> Rise above with lightweight container[...]
Ah yes, that famously lightweight way of distributing software, full on virtualised containers, each running an OS.
The Fastest Mutexes
Case in point:
The system call numbers of all the unixlikes are bitwise packed into a single number. There is exactly one of those columns which is stable: the Linux one. Everything else is not part of the binary interface of their respective operating systems.
I've written about how Linux is special in this regard:
It's a neat hack but I'm afraid it's in grave danger of falling victim to the Darth Vader of OS ABI stability.
> Program to the API rather than the ABI.
> When we see benefits, we change the ABI more often than the API.
> I have altered the ABI.
> Pray I do not alter it further.
Embedded Common Lisp merges initial Cosmopolitan port
Maybe portable CL binaries soon-ish (in CL units of time, mind you)!
Conditional on https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan/issues/939 as mentioned in INSTALL
- Cosmopolitan v3.9.2
Flappy Bird for Android, only C, under 100KB
Cosmo gives you what you described above and it’s <10kb
Forget ChatGPT: why researchers now run small AIs on their laptops
llamafiles will run on all architectures because they are compiled by cosmopolitan.
Cosmopolitan Libc makes C a build-once run-anywhere language, like Java, except it doesn't need an interpreter or virtual machine. Instead, it reconfigures stock GCC and Clang to output a POSIX-approved polyglot format that runs natively on Linux + Mac + Windows + FreeBSD + OpenBSD + NetBSD + BIOS with the best possible performance and the tiniest footprint imaginable.
- Cosmopolitan 3.6.1
Pnut: A C to POSIX Shell Compiler you can Trust
My comment was based on cloning master yesterday and trying to build redbean but hitting what looks like https://github.com/jart/cosmopolitan/issues/940
Indeed it lioks like the commit you mentioned should have fixed the issue with the pointer having too many bits for the weird kernel used on android and some raspis. Fingers crossed that release works.
- Show HN: Slab – A programmable markup language for generating HTML
What are some alternatives?
v86 - x86 PC emulator and x86-to-wasm JIT, running in the browser
v - Simple, fast, safe, compiled language for developing maintainable software. Compiles itself in <1s with zero library dependencies. Supports automatic C => V translation. https://vlang.io
devilutionX - Diablo build for modern operating systems
src - Read-only git conversion of OpenBSD's official CVS src repository. Pull requests not accepted - send diffs to the tech@ mailing list.
zig - General-purpose programming language and toolchain for maintaining robust, optimal, and reusable software.
glibc - Unofficial mirror of sourceware glibc repository. Updated daily.
devilution - Diablo devolved - magic behind the 1996 computer game
libc - libc targeted for embedded systems usage. Reduced set of functionality (due to embedded nature). Chosen for portability and quick bringup.
llvm-project - The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
open_iot - ocpu
SDL - Simple Directmedia Layer
luastatic - Build a standalone executable from a Lua program.