betterbib | zotero-better-bibtex | |
3 | 33 | |
824 | 5,554 | |
0.5% | 1.5% | |
2.5 | 9.9 | |
about 1 month ago | 10 days ago | |
Python | TypeScript | |
GNU General Public License v3.0 only | MIT License |
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BibTeX Tidy
I find formatting is usually a nonissue with BibTeX files as entries tend to already be automatically generated from some authoritative source (e.g., CrossRef).
What I do end up using a lot however is nschloe's betterbib [1].
- Nschloe/betterbib: Update BibTeX files with info from online resources
- betterbib
Zotero for Android available for beta tests
There a zotero plugin that stores the entire contents of your zotero db as an auto-updated bibtex file too.
Zotero Better Notes – Knowledge management solution insid}e Zotero
Thanks for sharing these. I already use a number of these on your list. Though I don't use copy-by-link for files. For me one of the key purposes of zotero is that its the place where I keep these files so I don't have to keep them elsewhere where they aren't as easily searchable.
I'm excited to try the duplicates merger tool, I've been forever putting off this because the normal way is such a slog. The Tag one also looks good.
To add to the list, my key add-ons are:
- better bibtex, this one is essential for me as a latex user
- zotfile. This one is cool because if you add annotations to a pdf, like highlighting or comments while you read it, then zotfile will pull those out into notes in the zotero entry. This makes it really easy to see both that I've read this document, and what parts I thought were important.
- My research library is a mess - any advice?
Bibliography issue work-around needed:
I was going to suggest that you ask the BBT dev about it as I had no idea why that didn't work, then I saw this bug from 3 days ago: Bug: citekey formula does not update. That might be the issue!
My setup as a researcher. How to write, run statistics, and work seamlessly with R, Obsidian, Linux, and Zotero, and collaborate with senior professors who only accept MS Word files!
Another problem is that no matter how much I tried, the two available Zotero plugins for Obsidian do not work for me (this and this I am not sure if that is because I'm on Linux, but they just don't work. However, RStudio on Linux works great with Zotero, and I can easily add citations using the Better BibTeX for Zotero plugin ( to create citation keys. That way, I can simply copy/paste the citation key (e.g. '@lastname2020') in the text and have it render into the citation when I render the file in Rstudio. I sometimes write documents with > 300 references, and Zotero running in a Windows VM, trying to refresh a huge word document would take a long time, and would lead to corrupt citations. That's no problem with a markdown/Rmarkdown document.
Org-roam, zotero, and org-noter workflow for scientific research and citations (+bibtex)?
I have the Better BibTeX plugin in Zotero installed, which keeps ~/Research/refs.bib up-to-date with my entire Zotero library.
Is it possible to import downloaded papers and have Zotero create a BibTex for me?
P.S. Better BibTeX addon grants even more luxurious experience.
Zotero + LaTex with dynamic/updated references?
I've been using the Better Bibtex plugin for zotero for a couple months now, and so far it seems to work flawlessly. You can export a .bib file attached to a zotero collection or library and it will automatically update it as you add things to the collection.
The Art of LaTeX: Advice for Typesetting Beautiful, Delightful Proofs
I use Zotero with the better bibtex addon. Works great. When I first started using zotero, I imported my existing bibtex library, so all my existing bibtex keys all worked. I use zotero as my library for everything and add bibtex keys to things I cite.
EndNote v20 versus Mendeley versus Zotero
Better bibtex
What are some alternatives?
rebiber - A simple tool to update bib entries with their official information (e.g., DBLP or the ACL anthology).
bookends-tools - Alfred Workflow to Integrate with Bookends, an academic reference manager/bibliography tool for macOS
biblint - BibLint -- a system for fixing bibtex databases
obsidian-citation-plugin - Obsidian plugin which integrates your academic reference manager with the Obsidian editor. Search your references from within Obsidian and automatically create and reference literature notes for papers and books.
.config - NeoVim configuration optimized for writing in LaTeX
jabref - Graphical Java application for managing BibTeX and biblatex (.bib) databases
bibtex2style - bibtex2style is a script that takes .bib file as an input and produces an .xlsx file with entries processed by biblatex with an according style (like `gost`). It also respects bold an italics fonts!
zotero-scihub - A plugin that will automatically download PDFs of zotero items from sci-hub
papis - Powerful and highly extensible command-line based document and bibliography manager.