C2ME-fabric | quilt-serverside-mods | |
14 | 62 | |
548 | 573 | |
1.6% | 0.3% | |
9.7 | 4.1 | |
4 days ago | 6 months ago | |
Java | JavaScript | |
MIT License | Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal |
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- What a Strange World We Live in... GTNH, Minecraft 1.7.10 Working in Java 19 with LWJGL 3.3.1....
Whenever Im in a 10 block radius of my mob farm my FPS frop like crazy. Im using optifine, and this is after I killed about half of my animals. Are there any mods that can fix this? Help would be appreciated.
https://github.com/RelativityMC/C2ME-fabric add this
OptiFine alternatives? More specifically looking for mods that allow for OptiFine textures.
I like custom textures but so many of them require OptiFine. I already have a bunch of OptiFine alternatives. I have Sodium, FerriteCore, C2ME, LambDynamicLights, Starlight, and Sodium Extra. I have looked at Animatica but that only allowed for animated textures. Do you guys know of any mods that allow for OptiFine textures but work with my performance mods?
How can I improve performance? Sometimes my frames drop to around 20 per second when entities are near, and it's unplayable. Linked F3 for graphics information and video settings for any suggestions. Thanks
1) LazyDFU: Compiled DFU rules afterwards. 2) EntityCulling: Doesn't render entities that you can't see 3) NoFade: This isn't exactly a performance mod, but fading sometimes makes my game crash, so I use this. 4) NotEnoughCrashes: Again, not a performance mod, but makes crashes much easier to handle. 5) SmoothBoot: Makes Minecraft not hog too many resources when starting up 6) SodiumExtra: Basically adds more options to Sodium. 7) Hydrogen: idk how to describe this (I no longer don't use this as 1.18 hasn't released yet, but I'll this in anyway). 8) C2ME: Improves chunk performance. 9) Enchanced Block Entities: Improves rendering of block entities. Note that this only really shows effect when you're in an area with tons block entities (eg. your storage basement)
Fabric mod to have render distance adapt to player load?
It's a bit dangerous and I wouldn't exactly recommend it because I haven't tested it, but there's C2ME. It's VERY experimental. Doesn't exactly do what you're saying, but it should help. I recommend using this list for reference on fabric and forge performance mods, both server and client side. It's very useful.
What are the best FPS boost/optimization mods for Fabric 21w40a (1.18 snapshot) ?
Keep checking: https://github.com/ishlandbukkit/C2ME-fabric/actions
Are there any other performance mods that are better/can work with Sodium, Lithium, and Starlight?
C2ME. Massively improves chunk loading by multithreading it
What should performance be in Minecraft Java Edition (short comparative video)
Mods (Fabric modloader) used in this video: Sodium, Lithium, Starlight (Beta), C2ME (Alpha), EntityCulling, Hydrogen, LazyDFU, Krypton. You can replace Sodium with Iris for shaders.
Is there a settings for the paper server to change how many cores it uses?
You don't need to redesign the server. You can just use these mods.
- Mod for fast chunk loading?
Plugins on fabric?
not a jobs one, no. you can check out the serverside mod list here https://serverside.infra.link/
Migrating server from Paper to Fabric
Have a look at this list. It's got a ton of useful server-side mods which you can use on your server.
SpongeForge, Magma, Arclight, or nothing?
To be honest, the natural path for those that come from Bukkit and derivates for the future is to either switch to datapacks, migrate altogether to Bedrock (that already have interesting advances on its addon/pack system) or switch to Fabric server-only mods - There is a lot of possibilities already and there is also Polymer project that aims to "convert" some classic mods to server-side-only, so at the end maybe OP should look at it all and forget the Sponge thing.
- Any mod to increase server performance?
Plugin alternatives on Fabric?
This seems like a decent shop mod, for a larger list of mods you can look here. Another shop mod I found was https://modrinth.com/mod/diamond-economy
- What are some server-sided mods that I don't need to download on my client?
- How to do modded as someone more familiar with paper?
Best Performance for a Fabric SMP Server
Once you have your server OS installed, look through the performance section of Quilt Serverside Mods (even though it says Quilt all the mods are Fabric compatible). Also make sure to set sync-chunk-writes to false in your server.properties.
What are the server optimizations/mods for a fabric 1.19.x server? Also which Server Cpu will be ideal?
I have been using this list to find some optimization mods but some mods in the performance sections seems to break the game (eg - Very Many Players ).
Server side Fabric setup?
Here’s a good resource for server-side mods, some of them are for quilt but quite a few are fabric mods (originally the list was only fabric mods, also quilt is a fork of fabric, so if you wanted to give it a go, it has most of the same benefits fabric does)
What are some alternatives?
tic-tacs - Experimental mod to improve Minecraft's chunk loading performance as well as allow for multithreading. Currently inactive.
Purpur - Purpur is a drop-in replacement for Paper servers designed for configurability, and new fun and exciting gameplay features.
DimensionalThreading - An attempt to optimize the fabric server, by assigning each dimension their own thread.
Mohist - Minecraft Forge Hybrid server implementing the Spigot/Bukkit API, formerly known as Thermos/Cauldron/MCPC+
VanillaFix - Minecraft mod that fixes Vanilla bugs, improves performance, and makes Minecraft run forever
minecraft-optimization - Minecraft server optimization guide
Minestom - 1.21.3 Lightweight Minecraft server
cardboard - The Bukkit/Spigot/Paper API implementation for Fabric
krypton - A Fabric mod that optimizes the Minecraft networking stack and entity tracker.
Paper - The most widely used, high performance Minecraft server that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies
sodium - A Minecraft mod designed to improve frame rates and reduce micro-stutter
OptiFabric - OptiFabric venturing out into the 1.16+ world