
BGT-WeiDU | Tweaks-Anthology | |
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7.0 | 9.4 | |
24 days ago | 5 days ago | |
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Mega list of mod recs: suggestions welcomed
Tweaks Anthology
Trying to find what bugged my BG1:EE run (Chapter 4 wouldn't trigger)
My game is v2.6.6.0 from GOG with the following mods: - Convenient Enhanced Edition NPCs (A7-ConvenientEENPCs) - The Tweaks Anthology (cdtweaks) -[(LeUI-SoD)]( - Rogue Rebalancing (rr)
First modded game
The movement speed tweak from Tweaks Anthology, I'd definitely recommend. The way it works is, it's out-of-battle only, and it gives you a special ability to turn on/off the faster movement. So you can turn it off if you just want to walk normally. I'd recommend using the current Release Candidate version, as a number of things are improved from the official v9 release.
What are some alternatives?
SwordCoastStratagems - Sword Coast Stratagems (SCS) adds over 130 optional components to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, mostly focused around improving monster AI and encounter difficulties, but also including cosmetic and ease-of-use components, tweaks to abilities or spells.
bg2-tweaks-and-tricks - Tweaks and Tricks mod for Baldur's Gate 2
NTotSC - Several major quests, new areas, spells, and items are all part of this Baldur's Gate mod.
EET - Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET) is a modification for Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition that merges whole saga into one game and provides continuity between the events of Baldur's Gate, Tales of the Sword Coast, Shadows of Amn, Throne of Bhaal and Siege of Dragonspear expansion (also for both Black Pits adventures). The name of this this modification probably rings a bell to those who have been following IE modding scene, thanks to the classic mod that inspired this project, called Baldur's Gate Trilogy (BGT), developed by Bardez and Ascension64. While EET remains mostly faithful to the premise of the BGT, it shouldn't be considered a direct continuation of that project. In fact both mods share little to no common code and took different design decisions in many aspects.
ProjectInfinity - Project Infinity - a mod manager for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).
Baldurs-gate-dnd-3.5 - This is a WeiDu mod for BG:Enchanced edition that changes 2ed ADnD rules to DnD 3.5 with some elements taken from Pathfinder
Under-Respresented_Items - This mod adds items to Baldur's Gate 2. The items come from Icewind Dale 2. Only certain kinds of items were chosen. Items were selected to flesh out smaller weapon families.
Item_Upgrade - The Item Upgrade Mod Pack allows Cromwell and Cespenar to upgrade more items for you. Half of them are conveniences, the other half try to prop up weapon categories that are "weak" by comparison (e.g., maces and clubs).
EE-Mod-Setup - A Tool for automated mod installations on EET, BG2EE, BGEE etc
LeUI - lefreut's Enhanced UI for BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE and EET
SoD-to-BG2EE-Item-Upgrade - Imports more Siege of Dragonspear items into logical (to me at least) locations in BG2:EE during the Shadows of Amn campaign. They are attainable in a variety of ways – quest rewards, drops from enemies killed, shops, and containers.