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Can you recommend me some large bg1 content mods that add more quests, zones and companions?
There's DSotSC - for EE, for the Trilogy mods, NTotSC - -, SotSC - -, Balduran's Seatower - and I also suggest Ascalon's Questpack - .
What are some alternatives?
Tweaks-Anthology - The Tweaks Anthology is a WeiDU compilation of nearly 200 components of cosmetic changes, house rules, and other tweaks. Some of these were fan requests, others are needed changes, and others simply make dealing with the more irritating aspects of the game engine easier. Each component can be installed separately so the player can pick and choose only which ones they wish to install.
Ascalons_Questpack - Adds several small quests to BG1 and BGII. For BGT, Tutu, BG:EE, BGII, BGII:EE, and EET.
SwordCoastStratagems - Sword Coast Stratagems (SCS) adds over 130 optional components to Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Edition, Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal, Baldur's Gate Trilogy, mostly focused around improving monster AI and encounter difficulties, but also including cosmetic and ease-of-use components, tweaks to abilities or spells.
Solaufein - Weimer's classic mod changes Solaufein into a joinable NPC for BG2EE and ToB. Revised EE version.
ProjectInfinity - Project Infinity - a mod manager for Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Icewind Dale Enhanced Edition, Planescape Torment Enhanced Edition and Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET).
EE-Mod-Setup - A Tool for automated mod installations on EET, BG2EE, BGEE etc
Under-Respresented_Items - This mod adds items to Baldur's Gate 2. The items come from Icewind Dale 2. Only certain kinds of items were chosen. Items were selected to flesh out smaller weapon families.
LeUI - lefreut's Enhanced UI for BG1EE, SoD, BG2EE and EET
Region_of_Terror - The mod is based on the adventures of Drizzt Do'Urden. puts in Drizzt and his companions as playable NPC's and you'll be able to play with him through the old and new quests. The mod contains several new big quests and adds in four new cities/villages/towns.
DSotSC - A mod for Baldur's Gate Trilogy and EET