
Open-source projects categorized as ultimaker-cura
Language: + Python + QML

Top 3 ultimaker-cura Open-Source Projects

  • Cura2MoonrakerPlugin

    Ultimaker Cura 2 Mooraker Upload Plugin

  • Project mention: I HATE MicroSD cards for 3D printing - Question | /r/ender3v2 | 2023-07-09
  • KlipperSettingsPlugin

    Ultimaker Cura plugin to enable various settings and features specific to Klipper firmware.

  • Project mention: FLSun SR - Speeder Pad - Swapped out proprietary klipper for full klipper - seeing weirdness. | /r/3Dprinting | 2023-08-25

    # _____ __ _ _ _ # / ____| / _(_) | | (_) # | | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_ _ ___ _ __ ___ # | | / _ \| '_ \| _| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __| # | |___| (_) | | | | | | | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | \__ \ # \_____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|___/ # __/ | # |___/ # # Klipper Configurations - Flsun Super Racer # Version 3.0 # # Guislain Cyril ######################################## # Firmware Settings ######################################## # MKS Robin Nano V3.0/V3.1 # When running "make menuconfig" # # [*] Enable extra low-level configuration options # Micro-controller Architecture (STMicroelectronics STM32) ---> # Processor model (STM32F407) ---> # Bootloader offset (48KiB bootloader (MKS Robin Nano V3)) ---> # Clock Reference (8 MHz crystal) ---> # Communication interface (USB (on PA11/PA12)) ---> # USB ids ---> # () GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup (NEW) # # Note that the "make flash" command does not work with this board. # Rename the file out/klipper.bin to Robin_nano_v3.bin, copy it an microSD # card, insert it in the printer and restart it. ######################################## # Editable Settings ######################################## # Notes: Some settings can be enabled or disabled by removing or adding the '#' symbol # # PID (pid_Kp, pid_Ki, pid_Kd) --> [extruder] and [heater_bed] sections # E-Steps Extruder (rotation_distance) --> [extruder] section --> = * / # Pressure Advance (pressure_advance) --> [extruder] section -- See: https://www.klipper3d.org/Pressure_Advance.html # Firmware Retraction --> [firmware_retraction] section -- Requires "Klipper Settings Plugin" for Cura -- See: https://github.com/jjgraphix/KlipperSettingsPlugin # ADXL345 function for resonance testing --> Enable/Disable [include adxl345_pico.cfg] or [include adxl345_fysetc.cfg] -- Configuration in [input_shaper] section -- See: https://www.klipper3d.org/Measuring_Resonances.html # NeoPixels function --> Enable/Disable [include neopixels.cfg] # Timelapse function --> Enable/Disable [include timelapse.cfg] ######################################## # Included Files ######################################## [include macros.cfg] #[include adxl345_pico.cfg] #Enable if you want to use ADXL with Rapsberry Pi Pico #[include adxl345_fysetc.cfg] #Enable if you want to use ADXL with Fysetc Portable Input Shaper #[include timelapse.cfg] #Enable if you want to use Timelapse #[include neopixels.cfg] #Enable if you want to use Neopixels ######################################## # Printer Settings ######################################## [printer] kinematics: delta max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 4000 max_accel_to_decel: 2000 square_corner_velocity: 5 max_z_velocity: 300 max_z_accel: 1500 # delta_radius: 132 # minimum_z_position: -25 minimum_z_position: -5 print_radius: 132 #delta_radius: 151.7 ######################################## # X Stepper Motor & Driver Settings ######################################## [stepper_a] step_pin: PE3 dir_pin: PE2 enable_pin: !PE4 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: PA15 ##homing_speed: 50 homing_speed: 40 homing_retract_dist: 5.0 homing_retract_speed: 10 ##angle: 210 #position_endstop: 336 #arm_length = 315 [tmc2209 stepper_a] uart_pin: PD5 run_current: 1.138 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 ######################################## # Y Stepper Motor & Driver Settings ######################################## [stepper_b] step_pin: PE0 dir_pin: PB9 enable_pin: !PE1 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: PD2 #angle: 330 [tmc2209 stepper_b] uart_pin: PD7 run_current: 1.138 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 ######################################## # Z Stepper Motor & Driver Settings ######################################## [stepper_c] step_pin: PB5 dir_pin: PB4 enable_pin: !PB8 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: PC4 #angle: 90 [tmc2209 stepper_c] uart_pin: PD4 run_current: 1.138 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 ######################################## # Extruder & Driver Settings ######################################## [extruder] step_pin: PD6 dir_pin: !PD3 enable_pin: !PB3 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8.9 #7.805 nozzle_diameter: 0.4 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: PE5 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PC1 min_temp: -5 max_temp: 275 max_extrude_cross_section: 110 max_extrude_only_distance: 1100 pressure_advance: 0.04 #commented_out_in_stock_profile #pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.01 #control = pid #pid_kp = 18.240 #pid_ki = 0.558 #pid_kd = 149.109 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: PD9 run_current: 1.1 hold_current: 0.5 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 ######################################## # Bed Settings ######################################## [heater_bed] heater_pin: PA0 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PC0 min_temp: -5 max_temp: 115 #control = pid #pid_kp = 71.041 #pid_ki = 1.422 #pid_kd = 887.123 ######################################## # Filament Sensor Settings ######################################## [filament_switch_sensor filament_sensor] pause_on_runout: True runout_gcode: M600 switch_pin: PA4 ######################################## # Fans Settings ######################################## [fan] pin: PC14 [heater_fan Hotend] pin: PB0 ## heater_temp: 50.0 ######################################## # Probe Settings ######################################## [probe] pin: !PC8 x_offset: 0 y_offset: 0 #z_offset: 0 #z_offset: 16.85 speed: 10 lift_speed: 50 samples: 3 samples_result: average ##sample_retract_dist: 6 sample_retract_dist: 3 samples_tolerance: 0.02 samples_tolerance_retries: 5 ######################################## # Delta Calibration & Mesh Settings ######################################## [delta_calibrate] radius: 130 horizontal_move_z: 30 speed: 100 [bed_mesh] speed: 100 horizontal_move_z: 30 mesh_radius: 130 mesh_origin: 0,0 mesh_pps: 4,4 round_probe_count: 9 algorithm: bicubic bicubic_tension: 0.1 move_check_distance: 3 #fade_start: 1 #fade_end: 30 ######################################## # Temperature Controls ######################################## [verify_heater extruder] max_error: 500 hysteresis: 20 [verify_heater heater_bed] max_error: 120 hysteresis: 5 ######################################## # Firmware Retraction Settings ######################################## [firmware_retraction] retract_length: 6.5 retract_speed: 35 unretract_extra_length: 0.05 unretract_speed: 35 ######################################## # Input Shaper Settings ######################################## [input_shaper] shaper_freq_x: 25.00 shaper_type_x = mzv shaper_freq_y: 23.29 shaper_type_y = mzv ######################################## # G-Code Macros & Events ######################################## [idle_timeout] timeout: 1800 [save_variables] filename: ~/printer_data/config/variables.cfg [gcode_arcs] resolution: 0.1 [pause_resume] [display_status] [respond] [exclude_object] [virtual_sdcard] path: ~/printer_data/gcodes [endstop_phase stepper_a] endstop_align_zero: false [endstop_phase stepper_b] endstop_align_zero: false [endstop_phase stepper_c] endstop_align_zero: false ######################################## # MCU Settings ######################################## [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f407xx_57002D000C50414238323520-if00 restart_method: command [temperature_sensor Speeder_Pad] sensor_type: temperature_host min_temp: 10 max_temp: 100 [temperature_sensor Motherboard] sensor_type: temperature_mcu min_temp: 0 max_temp: 100 ######################################## # LED Settings ######################################## [neopixel NeoPixels] pin: PB2 chain_count: 34 color_order: GRB initial_RED: 0.0 initial_GREEN: 0.0 initial_BLUE: 0.0 #*# <---------------------- SAVE_CONFIG ----------------------> #*# DO NOT EDIT THIS BLOCK OR BELOW. The contents are auto-generated. #*# #*# [probe] #*# z_offset = 16.326 #*# #*# [endstop_phase stepper_a] #*# trigger_phase = 0/64 #*# #*# [endstop_phase stepper_b] #*# trigger_phase = 9/64 #*# #*# [endstop_phase stepper_c] #*# trigger_phase = 30/64 #*# #*# [printer] #*# delta_radius = 151.506093 #*# #*# [stepper_a] #*# angle = 209.732548 #*# arm_length = 315.000000 #*# position_endstop = 335.292877 #*# #*# [stepper_b] #*# angle = 330.028791 #*# arm_length = 315.000000 #*# position_endstop = 335.177828 #*# #*# [stepper_c] #*# angle = 90.000000 #*# arm_length = 315.000000 #*# position_endstop = 335.740631 #*# #*# [heater_bed] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 71.866 #*# pid_ki = 2.692 #*# pid_kd = 479.709 #*# #*# [extruder] #*# control = pid #*# pid_kp = 25.756 #*# pid_ki = 0.923 #*# pid_kd = 179.647 #*# #*# [bed_mesh default] #*# version = 1 #*# points = #*# -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981, -0.555981 #*# -0.536382, -0.536382, -0.536382, -0.551881, -0.518557, -0.528638, -0.495733, -0.495733, -0.495733 #*# -0.523417, -0.523417, -0.541177, -0.583445, -0.555582, -0.505105, -0.490982, -0.439538, -0.439538 #*# -0.497124, -0.497124, -0.554386, -0.534127, -0.554717, -0.541424, -0.440815, -0.428654, -0.428654 #*# -0.489415, -0.548363, -0.561618, -0.541190, -0.531061, -0.507257, -0.488027, -0.501280, -0.528350 #*# -0.531851, -0.531851, -0.533378, -0.595097, -0.582416, -0.581133, -0.530884, -0.552342, -0.552342 #*# -0.577069, -0.577069, -0.575236, -0.599702, -0.593768, -0.594096, -0.638376, -0.621830, -0.621830 #*# -0.594444, -0.594444, -0.594444, -0.608776, -0.552521, -0.566593, -0.623934, -0.623934, -0.623934 #*# -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105, -0.552105 #*# x_count = 9 #*# y_count = 9 #*# mesh_x_pps = 4 #*# mesh_y_pps = 4 #*# algo = bicubic #*# tension = 0.1 #*# min_x = -130.0 #*# max_x = 130.0 #*# min_y = -130.0 #*# max_y = 130.0 #*# #*# [delta_calibrate] #*# height0 = 19.925 #*# height0_pos = 25228.333,25223.667,25261.667 #*# height1 = 19.925 #*# height1_pos = 30845.000,30850.000,22257.667 #*# height2 = 19.925 #*# height2_pos = 24636.667,34142.000,24686.333 #*# height3 = 19.925 #*# height3_pos = 22335.667,29925.667,29951.667 #*# height4 = 19.925 #*# height4_pos = 24456.333,24446.333,31270.667 #*# height5 = 19.925 #*# height5_pos = 29093.667,22487.000,29110.000 #*# height6 = 19.925 #*# height6_pos = 32588.333,24515.667,24562.333

  • InfluxDB

    Power Real-Time Data Analytics at Scale. Get real-time insights from all types of time series data with InfluxDB. Ingest, query, and analyze billions of data points in real-time with unbounded cardinality.

    InfluxDB logo
  • PressureAdvanceSettingPlugin

    Ultimaker Cura plugin to adjust settings for Pressure Advance feature of Klipper firmware.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

ultimaker-cura related posts

  • FLSun SR - Speeder Pad - Swapped out proprietary klipper for full klipper - seeing weirdness.

    1 project | /r/3Dprinting | 25 Aug 2023
  • 'Printer Settings' Cura Plugin

    1 project | /r/klippers | 3 Apr 2023
  • How time consuming is the switch to klipper?

    2 projects | /r/klippers | 11 Jan 2023
  • Ringing tower test not working

    1 project | /r/klippers | 22 Jul 2022
  • New Klipper Settings Plugin for Cura

    2 projects | /r/klippers | 2 Jul 2022
  • pressure advance, do I need to add any command lines after adding my worked out value?

    1 project | /r/klippers | 23 Dec 2021
  • FYI Found a way to configure pressure advance values in cura

    1 project | /r/klippers | 19 Feb 2021
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 20 May 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source ultimaker-cura projects? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Cura2MoonrakerPlugin 281
2 KlipperSettingsPlugin 100
3 PressureAdvanceSettingPlugin 40

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