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SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives
A smarter shell and scripting environment with advanced features designed for usability, safety and productivity (eg smarter DevOps tooling)
sixel-tmux is a fork of tmux, with just one goal: having the most reliable support of graphics
:mortar_board: Materials for my lectures including programming langauge design, software engineering and human-computer interaction.
Discontinued Display images in your 256 color terminal! (kinda) - superseded by
dotfiles discussion
dotfiles reviews and mentions
Show HN: a Rust Based CLI tool 'imgcatr' for displaying images
If you're on MacOS an imgcat tool pairs well with an imgpbcopy tool like this:
Then creating a shell function like:
imgc() {
Course using F#: Write your own tiny programming system(s)
I started down this path sometime last year with Crafting Interpreters and I’ve gotten obsessed with this entire world since. I wrote a little language [0] using Python Lex Yacc a couple of months ago at work because I wanted an awk-like way to quickly make graphs/charts from the CLI. Then I wrote a parser-as-a-type in TypeScript [1] for the same grammar.
My plan was to take a look at OCaml for future tinkerings with parsers, but man, F# is already looking very familiar between TypeScript and Lex/Yacc-like things.
Thanks for this post, I think I might have a new favorite language in the oven!
The primary programming language of dotfiles is Python.