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Moment.js: A JavaScript library for parsing, validating, manipulating, and displaying dates.
Top 20 Javascript Libraries on Github
Repository: Moment.js
You're parsing URLs wrong.
The fact that moment.js or day.js needs to exist in 2024 bothers me a lot.
JavaScript Compare Dates: From Chaos to Clarity
Moment.js lets you do amazing things with dates and times in JavaScript. You can easily compare, change, and format them in different ways. For example, you can say things like "today is Monday" or "3 hours ago" or "12/31/2020". To start with Moment.js, you need to install it and import it into your JavaScript project. For example:
How to Convert String to Date in JavaScript
To learn more about Moment.js, please visit their official website.
8 NPM Packages for JavaScript Beginners [2024][+tutorials]
Ah, Moment.js, the guardian angel of date and time manipulation. Ever needed to format a date, calculate durations, or display something like "2 days ago"? Moment.js has got your back. It's a lifesaver for anything date and time-related, making it a must-have in your project, especially if you're into making your users feel like you really get them.
Adding "Created At" and "Last Updated" Dates to Jekyll
After hours of trying to figure out why Jekyll was still showing "Today" for a post I modified last week, I remembered that I am using the timeago filter from jekyll-timeago plugin. I was rendering the dates using {{ doc.last_modified_at | timeago }}. As you know, Jekyll is a static site generator, and it renders this as HTML at the time of build, and only then. This means any date rendered with timeago is hardcoded as is in the HTML and won't change until the next build. I switched all the dates to the "%-d %b %y" format for now. Might use moment.js in the future to get the timeago dates back.
The 20 most used React libraries
moment: Handles date and time manipulations with ease. Learn more
👨🚀 Traversing Time with Intl.RelativeTimeFormat()
For the longest time working with dates in JavaScript was a huge pain. That’s why libraries such as moment.js or date-fns are so popular. A lot of times I’d reach for these libraries when working with relative time formatting, but since late last year we’ve had pretty great browser support for the RelativeTimeFormat() method. In my mind, relative dates are just more visually appealing, especially for working with dates internationally. Dates like "5 days ago" or "in 2 months" are far more intuitive for users than 12/12/2023, or 03/11/2027. Folks in the US will see that as March 11, 2027, whereas the rest of the world will see that as November 03, 2027. What a nightmare.
A note from our sponsor - CodeRabbit | 7 Feb 2025
moment/moment is an open source project licensed under MIT License which is an OSI approved license.
The primary programming language of moment is JavaScript.
Review ★★★★★ 9/10