How to traverse scene and exclude a mesh?

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  • three.js

    JavaScript 3D Library.

  • import * as THREE from 'three'; class MinSTLExporter { parse(scene) { let output = ''; let vector = new THREE.Vector3(); let normalMatrixWorld = new THREE.Matrix3(); let avatarName = window.avatarName.trim().toLowerCase().split(' ').join('-'); // output += 'solid exported\n'; scene.traverse(function (mesh) { if (mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh) { output += 'solid ' + avatarName + '\n'; console.log(mesh); const { matrixWorld, geometry: bufferGeometry, skeleton } = mesh; // var geometry = new THREE.Geometry().fromBufferGeometry( bufferGeometry ); const bufferIndices = bufferGeometry.getIndex(); const bufferSkinIndices = bufferGeometry.getAttribute('skinIndex'); const bufferSkinWeights = bufferGeometry.getAttribute('skinWeight'); const bufferPositions = bufferGeometry.getAttribute('position'); function computeFaceNormal(a, b, c) { const cb = new THREE.Vector3(); const ab = new THREE.Vector3(); const vA = new THREE.Vector3().fromBufferAttribute(bufferPositions, a); const vB = new THREE.Vector3().fromBufferAttribute(bufferPositions, b); const vC = new THREE.Vector3().fromBufferAttribute(bufferPositions, c); cb.subVectors(vC, vB); ab.subVectors(vA, vB); cb.cross(ab); cb.normalize(); return cb; } normalMatrixWorld.getNormalMatrix(matrixWorld); for (let i = 0, len = bufferIndices.count; i < len; i += 3) { const a = bufferIndices.getX(i); const b = bufferIndices.getY(i); const c = bufferIndices.getZ(i); const faceNormal = computeFaceNormal(a, b, c); vector.copy(faceNormal).applyMatrix3(normalMatrixWorld).normalize(); output += '\tfacet normal ' + vector.x + ' ' + vector.y + ' ' + vector.z + '\n'; output += '\t\touter loop\n'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func [a, b, c].forEach(vertexIndex => { if (typeof bufferSkinIndices === "undefined") { vector.fromBufferAttribute(bufferPositions, vertexIndex).applyMatrix4(matrixWorld); output += '\t\t\tvertex ' + vector.x * 35 + ' ' + vector.y * 35 + ' ' + vector.z * 35 + '\n'; } else { vector.fromBufferAttribute(bufferPositions, vertexIndex); // see let boneIndices = []; boneIndices[0] = bufferSkinIndices.getX(vertexIndex); boneIndices[1] = bufferSkinIndices.getY(vertexIndex); boneIndices[2] = bufferSkinIndices.getZ(vertexIndex); boneIndices[3] = bufferSkinIndices.getW(vertexIndex); let weights = []; weights[0] = bufferSkinWeights.getX(vertexIndex); weights[1] = bufferSkinWeights.getY(vertexIndex); weights[2] = bufferSkinWeights.getZ(vertexIndex); weights[3] = bufferSkinWeights.getW(vertexIndex); let inverses = []; inverses[0] = skeleton.boneInverses[boneIndices[0]]; inverses[1] = skeleton.boneInverses[boneIndices[1]]; inverses[2] = skeleton.boneInverses[boneIndices[2]]; inverses[3] = skeleton.boneInverses[boneIndices[3]]; let skinMatrices = []; skinMatrices[0] = skeleton.bones[boneIndices[0]].matrixWorld; skinMatrices[1] = skeleton.bones[boneIndices[1]].matrixWorld; skinMatrices[2] = skeleton.bones[boneIndices[2]].matrixWorld; skinMatrices[3] = skeleton.bones[boneIndices[3]].matrixWorld; let finalVector = new THREE.Vector4(); for (let k = 0; k < 4; k++) { let tempVector = new THREE.Vector4(vector.x, vector.y, vector.z); tempVector.multiplyScalar(weights[k]); //the inverse takes the vector into local bone space tempVector.applyMatrix4(inverses[k]) //which is then transformed to the appropriate world space .applyMatrix4(skinMatrices[k]); finalVector.add(tempVector); } output += '\t\t\tvertex ' + finalVector.x * 35 + ' ' + finalVector.y * 35 + ' ' + finalVector.z * 35 + '\n'; } }); output += '\t\tendloop\n'; output += '\tendfacet\n'; } output += 'endsolid ' + avatarName + '\n'; } }); return output; } } export default MinSTLExporter;

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  • change the paradigm and all of this goes away. skip to 0:20 in the video at the top and you get at least an impression what normal web dev is like:

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    Open-Source JSON Form Builder to Create Dynamic Forms Right in Your App. With SurveyJS form UI libraries, you can build and style forms in a fully-integrated drag & drop form builder, render them in your JS app, and store form submission data in any backend, inc. PHP, ASP.NET Core, and Node.js.

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