Apologies for the late reply @IshKebab, I read into your recommendations and they are very interesting.
If you wish you could copy your comment verbatim as an issue over here, so we can discuss it further: https://github.com/everydayanchovies/eink-vnc/issues
I will have a chance to test the ping tonight, possibly.
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I did this once, with a shared terminal via screen or tmux (and thus not VNC). You can install https://github.com/Eeems-Org/oxide and a terminal application via the toltec repoitories and then ssh (or mosh) from remarkable to the device that has the keyboard.
There's https://github.com/matteodelabre/vnsee if you want to use VNC as a client on your remarkable. I've used it in the past to run Chromium on a server and display it on the reMarkable: https://photos.app.goo.gl/TnNE1tdzvrwphJ8N6
I personally use a Remarkable 1 with yaft (1) as a terminal. I connect via ssh to a tmux session for editing and the response is fast enough.
1. https://github.com/timower/rM2-stuff/tree/master/apps/yaft
I noticed some similarities in the source code to https://github.com/baskerville/plato/
Is there some common source for Kobo-compatable rust code that you both drew from, or was plato the original source?
Searching "by:robinsoh e-ink patent" over the past year turns up numerous comments, mostly variants of "I've explained this before", but none with a link to the specific explanation you have in mind. If you happen to know of a reference, it's a courtesy to others to provide it directly.
Do you mean this comment?
A while ago, I made a similar tool for Pocketbook eInk readers specifically: https://github.com/borzunov/remoteink