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Next, we have a comparison between the same App created with .NET MAUI (native controls) and a version created entirely with MAUI Graphics.
The Orbit engine is a game engine built on top of .NET MAUI Graphics. The objective is to firstly enjoy the journey of building a game engine and secondly providing a framework that allows us to utilise the best parts of a cross-platform framework while building a 'typical' game. (by bijington)
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[UI challange] .NET MAUI implementation of "majority wallet & calling" design by Hampus Öhman.
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MauiApps is where you'll find the app in this rather large repository.
Demo-Projekt zu meinem .NET-MAUI-Einsteiger-Workshop auf entwickler.de
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A collection of MVVM helpers for .NET MAUI, Xamarin.Forms and WPF. Includes a navigation service, observable collection, observable object and async command.
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