That could be explained by the fact that Bundler has to verify the Gemfile.lock file consistency (all the gems are installed). Thus, that's an expected behaviour (that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve it; see, for example, Matthew Draper's Gel).
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Rails developers usually put all the deps in the Gemfile, including dev tools, such as RuboCop. RuboCop is a linter, and linters must be fast. RuboCop itself complies with this statement but running it via Bundler may not.
I've been using this technique for a long time for gems development—to speed up CI RuboCop runs (by installing only the linter dependencies). Here is my typical rubocop.gemfile:
# gemfiles/rubocop.gemfile source "https://rubygems.org" do gem "rubocop-md", "~> 1.0" gem "rubocop-rspec" gem "standard", "~> 1.0" end
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