Shell ANSI

Open-source Shell projects categorized as ANSI

Top 6 Shell ANSI Projects

  • ansiweather

    Weather in terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols

  • SaaSHub

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  • arttime

    arttime is a CLI application that blends beauty of ASCII / text art with functionality of clock / timer / pattern-based time manager in terminal ⏰

    Project mention: manpage art, man is still alive | | 2024-04-23

    Below is a collection of figures from arttime's manpage. It can be opened with arttime -m or man arttime from terminal. You can also see arttime's manpage (without colors) in your web browser: arttime manwebpage.

  • ColorEchoForShell

    Make 🐚(shell) 's πŸ’¬ (`echo`) to be 🎨 easily ✨ Support βœ… sh βž• bash βž• zsh βž• ksh βž• 🐟 One simple command for vibrant text output! πŸ’«

  • antsy-alien-attack

    A game, written in Bash, that is a somewhat retro-a-like shoot 'em up. Hopefully.

  • snake

    :snake: A super minimal TUI snake game written in pure BASH v5.1+ (by wick3dr0se)

  • bash-funk

    bash-funk is a collection of useful commands for Bash 3.2 or higher.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Shell ANSI related posts

  • What's the purpose of the zsh plugin for the `ansiweather` cli app?

    1 project | /r/linuxquestions | 8 Oct 2022
  • How do I add an image next to my terminal display? I think it’s called ricing

    2 projects | /r/linuxquestions | 26 Jan 2022
  • AnsiWeather – weather in your terminal, with ANSI colors and Unicode symbols

    1 project | | 18 Jul 2021


What are some of the best open-source ANSI projects in Shell? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 ansiweather 1,869
2 arttime 927
3 ColorEchoForShell 113
4 antsy-alien-attack 106
5 snake 101
6 bash-funk 46

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