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Top 23 Kotlin Recyclerview Projects
An Android Animation library which easily add itemanimator to RecyclerView items.
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The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
Android Timeline View is used to display views like Tracking of shipment/order, steppers etc.
Kotlin Android library that extends RecyclerView to support gestures like drag & drop and swipe, among others. It works with vertical, horizontal and grid lists.
Android library providing a simple UI control for scrolling through RecyclerViews
📝 A Simple Note-Taking App built to demonstrate the use of Modern Android development tools - (Kotlin, Coroutines, State Flow, Hilt-Dependency Injection, Jetpack DataStore, Architecture Components, MVVM, Room, Material Design Components).
Carousel Recyclerview let's you create carousel layout with the power of recyclerview by creating custom layout manager.
AlphabetIndex Fast Scroll RecyclerView
A Powerful AlphabetIndex FastScroller Library for Android's RecyclerView!
🗽 A Simple Demonstration of the New York Times App 📱 using Jsoup web crawler with MVVM Architecture 🔥
⚡ Kotlin Coroutines binding APIs for Android UI widgets from the platform and support libraries
A customizable and easy-to-use Timeline View library for Android. Works as a RecyclerView decorator (ItemDecoration)
Android - A jetpack compose list view that is backed by our all time favourite RecyclerView.
An Android lightweight synchronizer between Tabs and Lists. Available for Views and Jetpack Compose.
A RecyclerView built for Android TV with Compose in mind and as a replacement for Leanback's BaseGridView.
RecyclerView Presenter
RecyclerView Adapter Library with different models and different layouts as convenient as possible.
Android Spinner Dialog Library supported on both Java and Kotlin, Use for single or multi selection of choice
Kotlin Recyclerview discussion
Kotlin Recyclerview related posts
After the support I've recieved on my first library, I've now extended it to include Jetpack Compose support! Say hi to TabSync Compose!
How do i create this animation while scrolling?
Bouncy: Physics-based animation for NestedScrollView and RecyclerView
How to create Adapters easily
First time publishing a library and an article, I'm really satisfied with the results!
Synchronize Android's RecyclerView with TabLayout
Universal Recycler Adapter for 90% of your needs
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 13 Jan 2025
What are some of the best open-source Recyclerview projects in Kotlin? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | recyclerview-animators | 11,525 |
2 | FastAdapter | 3,847 |
3 | Timeline-View | 3,821 |
4 | InboxRecyclerView | 1,972 |
5 | DragDropSwipeRecyclerview | 954 |
6 | CodeView | 874 |
7 | Zoom Recyler Layout | 814 |
8 | IndicatorFastScroll | 706 |
9 | Notzz-App | 669 |
10 | CarouselRecyclerview | 644 |
11 | AlphabetIndex Fast Scroll RecyclerView | 606 |
12 | Yasha | 523 |
13 | NYTimes-App | 516 |
14 | Corbind | 503 |
15 | TimelineView | 231 |
16 | Bouncy | 199 |
17 | compose-recyclerview | 191 |
18 | TabSync | 153 |
19 | DpadRecyclerView | 141 |
20 | ReuserView | 128 |
21 | RecyclerView Presenter | 86 |
22 | SpinnerDialog | 57 |
23 | KidAdapter | 57 |