JavaScript Storage

Open-source JavaScript projects categorized as Storage

Top 23 JavaScript Storage Projects

  1. localForage

    ๐Ÿ’พ Offline storage, improved. Wraps IndexedDB, WebSQL, or localStorage using a simple but powerful API.

  2. CodeRabbit

    CodeRabbit: AI Code Reviews for Developers. Revolutionize your code reviews with AI. CodeRabbit offers PR summaries, code walkthroughs, 1-click suggestions, and AST-based analysis. Boost productivity and code quality across all major languages with each PR.

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  3. Lowdb

    Simple and fast JSON database

  4. PouchDB

    :kangaroo: - PouchDB is a pocket-sized database.

    Project mention: Major updates from the open source community: Release Radar ยท June 2024 | | 2024-07-05

    Speaking of databases, this one is pocket-sized. PouchDB is a JavaScript database designed to run in the browser. This latest release includes over 202 merged PRs ๐Ÿ˜ฎ, and comes with improved stability and performance. There's the ability to streamline the automated test suites and improve in-browser testing. Read up on the major changes in the changelog.

  5. store.js

    Cross-browser storage for all use cases, used across the web.

  6. NeDB

    The JavaScript Database, for Node.js, nw.js, electron and the browser

  7. sql.js

    A javascript library to run SQLite on the web.

    Project mention: SQLite FTS5 Extension | | 2024-08-08

    I once tried to use sql.js [1] on a static site for full text search. It worked, but the resulting database size for that site was too large for the web, even with things like detail=none and content='' applied, and requiring the user to download a database each time was just no go. (I guess things should work better for sites with less content or those not requiring a trigram tokenizer.)

    I switched to Pagefind [2] afterwards before finding out a sql.js-httpvfs [3] fork of sql.js that removes exactly the need to fully download a database (with HTTP range requests). I haven't got the chance to test sql.js-httpvfs out though, but it looks pretty sound and could be much more flexible than Pagefind. (Previously discussed at .)




  8. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  9. Dexie.js

    A Minimalistic Wrapper for IndexedDB

    Project mention: Usage of Dexie, an IndexedDB wrapper, in Lobechat | | 2024-10-28

    In this article, we analyze Dexie usage in Lobechat.

  10. react-native-firebase

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ A well-tested feature-rich modular Firebase implementation for React Native. Supports both iOS & Android platforms for all Firebase services.

    Project mention: Develop Flight Booking System mobile app with React Native | | 2024-07-05

    Configure Firebase: Follow the instructions on the React Native Firebase documentation to set up Firebase in your app.

  11. WatermelonDB

    ๐Ÿ‰ Reactive & asynchronous database for powerful React and React Native apps โšก๏ธ

    Project mention: Hacktoberfest! - Week 2 | | 2024-10-18

    This app used WatermelonDB as its database, which I also hadn't heard of before. From their documentation, I quickly learned how to add an index to the schema. However, I also learned that they didn't support adding an index for migration. In fact, they were asking for contribution.

  12. LokiJS

    javascript embeddable / in-memory database

  13. electron-store

    Simple data persistence for your Electron app or module - Save and load user preferences, app state, cache, etc

  14. offline-plugin

    Offline plugin (ServiceWorker, AppCache) for webpack (

  15. hoodie

    :dog: The Offline First JavaScript Backend (by hoodiehq)

  16. basket.js

    A script and resource loader for caching & loading files with localStorage

  17. ImmortalDB

    :nut_and_bolt: A relentless key-value store for the browser.

  18. cookies.js

    ๐Ÿซ Tastier cookies, local, session, and db storage in a tiny package. Includes subscribe() events for changes.

  19. remotestorage.js

    โฌก JavaScript client library for integrating remoteStorage in apps

    Project mention: Local First, Forever | | 2024-06-25 was a protocol intended for this.

    IIRC the visison was that all applications could implement this and you could provide that application with your remotestorage URL, which you could self host.

    I looked into this some time ago as I was fed up with WebDAV being the only viable open protocol for file shares/synchronization (especially after hosting my own NextCloud instance, which OOMed because the XML blobs for a large folder it wanted to create as a response used too much memory) and found it through this gist [0] which was a statement about Flock [1] shutting down.

    It looks like a cool and not that complex protocol, but all the implementations seem to be unmaintained.

    And the official javascript client [2] seems to be ironically be used mostly to access Google Drive or DropBox

    Remotestorage also has an internet draft which is relatively easy to understand and not very long.




  20. cross-storage

    Cross domain local storage, with permissions

  21. lawnchair.js

    A lightweight clientside JSON document store, (by brianleroux)

  22. arozos

    Web Desktop Operating System for low power platforms, Now written in Go!

    Project mention: Zoraxy v3 - The brand new Reverse Proxy Server for Noobs | | 2024-04-18

    Using this function and, if you have a few nodes with "ArozOS" installed, you can easily add all nodes into the Zoraxy WoL table and kick start them one by one remotely.

  23. basil.js

    The missing Javascript smart persistent layer

  24. store

    A better way to use localStorage and sessionStorage (by nbubna)

  25. SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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JavaScript Storage related posts

  • Using CSRF Protection with Django and AJAX Requests

    2 projects | | 7 Jan 2025
  • Byojs (Bring Your Own JavaScript) by Kyle Simpson

    5 projects | | 17 Dec 2024
  • Storage Wars: Web Edition โ€“ or, how we learned to store binary data effectively

    1 project | | 23 Sep 2024
  • What Happens When You Put a Database in the Browser?

    5 projects | | 26 Jun 2024
  • IndexedDB con ExtJS

    3 projects | | 6 May 2024
  • Ask HN: Wa-SQLite vs. Dexie, 2024

    2 projects | | 30 Mar 2024
  • Show HN: Appendable โ€“ Index JSONL data and query via CDN

    3 projects | | 5 Mar 2024
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 9 Feb 2025
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more โ†’


What are some of the best open-source Storage projects in JavaScript? This list will help you:

# Project Stars
1 localForage 25,153
2 js-cookie 22,144
3 Lowdb 21,785
4 PouchDB 17,045
5 store.js 14,023
6 NeDB 13,512
7 sql.js 12,975
8 Dexie.js 12,403
9 react-native-firebase 11,786
10 WatermelonDB 10,777
11 LokiJS 6,768
12 electron-store 4,695
13 offline-plugin 4,512
14 hoodie 4,413
15 basket.js 3,359
16 ImmortalDB 3,055
17 cookies.js 2,377
18 remotestorage.js 2,345
19 cross-storage 2,223
20 lawnchair.js 2,132
21 arozos 2,072
22 basil.js 1,977
23 store 1,921

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