JavaScript starter-template

Open-source JavaScript projects categorized as starter-template

Top 22 JavaScript starter-template Projects

  1. gatsby-starter-decap-cms

    Example Gatsby + Decap CMS project

  2. SaaSHub

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  3. HULL

    πŸ’€ Headless Shopify Starter – powered by Next.js +

  4. starters

    Starter templates for Ionic apps, used by the Ionic CLI

  5. sveltekit-electron

    Minimal Sveltekit + Electron starter template.

  6. React-Native-Boilerplate

    πŸš€πŸŽ‰πŸ“š Boilerplate and Starter for React Native, Expo, NativeWind and TypeScript ⚑️ Made with developer experience first: React Native + Expo + TypeScript + ESLint + Prettier + Husky + Lint-Staged + Jest + Detox + VSCode + NativeWind (by ixartz)

  7. tailwind-react-next.js-typescript-eslint-jest-starter

    Starter template for building a project using React, Typescript, Next.js, Jest, TailwindCSS and ESLint.

  8. vue3-component-library

    This is a template for building vue components library.Project makes use of vue3.0 with rollup configuration to build treeshakable imports and Postcss for compilation of css

  9. fivem-ts-boilerplate

    Typescript Boilerplate for FiveM

  10. enlite-starter

    Enlite Starter - React Dashboard Starter Template with Firebase Auth

  11. jfa-whatsapp-chatbot

    πŸ€– With this node.js micro framework using Venom Bot under the hood, you can easily create a WhatsApp Chatbot. You will only need to edit your conversation flow in a single file.

  12. nextjs-twitter-starter

    A starter kit for building apps using Twitter API with Next.js

  13. rollup-library-starter

    Starter template for building JavaScript libraries using Rollup

  14. p5-starter

    :herb: Boilerplate for p5.js projects, including VSCode Intellisense and linting for HTML, CSS and JS.

  15. vue-vite-starter-template

    A single page app Vite starter template, created to easily bootstrap Vue.js 2 apps

  16. vite-boilerplate

    ⚑️ A Vue 3 Starter Boilerplate with Vue Router 4, Pinia 2, Vite 5, Sass, Axios, Jest 29 and More

  17. react-javascript-bootstrap-starter

    A simple starter template for React Javascript with Bootstrap

  18. optimus-starter-app

    Starter App for DHTMLX Optimus Micro-Framework

  19. Cirrus-Start

    ⚑ The fastest way to build, develop, and deploy your next project with Cirrus.

  20. express-api-starter

    πŸš€ A starter for building production-ready RESTful APIs using Node.js, Express, Mongoose, and more. (by vinodnimbalkar)

  21. gatsby-starter-contentful-console-ui

    A starter template inspired by modern consoles' UIs

  22. typescript-starter

    Documented TypeScript Template (by CertainlyAria)

  23. GET

    GET: Gulp, ES6, TailwindCSS (by rootwork)

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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