Java Data Visualization

Open-source Java projects categorized as Data Visualization

Top 10 Java Data Visualization Projects

Data Visualization
  • Tablesaw

    Java dataframe and visualization library

  • SaaSHub

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  • AnyChart

    AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.

  • JFreeChart

    A 2D chart library for Java applications (JavaFX, Swing or server-side).

    Project mention: LLM Based Input Space Partitioning Testing for Library APIs (a.k.a. Bogus CVEs) | | 2024-05-02
  • AAChartCore

    📈📊☕️☕️☕️An elegant modern declarative data visualization chart framework for Android. Extremely powerful, supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange, bubble, box plot, error bars, funnel, waterfall and polar chart types.极其精美而又强大的 Android 数据可视化图表框架,支持柱状图、条形图、折线图、曲线图、折线填充图、曲线填充图、气泡图、扇形图、环形图、散点图、雷达图、混合图等各种类型的多达几十种的信息图图表,完全满足工作所需.

  • helicalinsight

    Helical Insight software is world’s first Open Source Business Intelligence framework which helps you to make sense out of your data and make well informed decisions.

  • matplotlib4j

    Matplotlib for java: A simple graph plot library for java, scala and kotlin with powerful python matplotlib

  • awips2

    Weather forecasting display and analysis package developed by NWS/Raytheon, released as open source software by Unidata.

  • Orson-Charts

    A 3D chart library for Java applications (JavaFX, Swing or server-side).

  • mdsplus

    The MDSplus data management system

  • WAT-Vis

    A tool for game developers and server owners to decode, visualize, and analyze player positional data.

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source Data Visualization projects in Java? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 Tablesaw 3,528
2 AnyChart 2,279
3 JFreeChart 1,200
4 AAChartCore 921
5 helicalinsight 293
6 matplotlib4j 226
7 awips2 172
8 Orson-Charts 106
9 mdsplus 72
10 WAT-Vis 15

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