Go Tree

Open-source Go projects categorized as Tree

Top 17 Go Tree Projects

  • gods

    GoDS (Go Data Structures) - Sets, Lists, Stacks, Maps, Trees, Queues, and much more

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  • dep-tree

    Tool for helping developers keep their code bases clean and decoupled. It allows visualising a code base complexity using a 3d force-directed graph of files and the dependencies between them.

    Project mention: Show HN: Visualize the complexity of a Golang codebase with a 3D force graph | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-06-10

    Hi HN!

    I want to share a project for which Golang support was just added:


    This is a tool that allows users to visualize the complexity of a code base using a 3D force-directed graph:

    It will take a Golang codebase entrypoint, typically `main.go`, it will parse the file and gather other files in which this file depends on (by resolving function names, types, etc...)

    It will recursively perform this operation with all the dependant files, until the full graph with all the source files is formed.

    It will render the graph using a force-directed layout, and all the source files will be placed in a three-dimensional space simulating some attraction/repulsion forces based on the dependencies between them.

    Clean and loosely coupled codebases will tend to form clusters of nodes in the 3d space separated from each other, while tightly coupled and messy codebases will be rendered with all the nodes grouped together without clear sense of separation.

    Here are some examples of rendering this graph for some well known projects:

    - Docker compose: https://dep-tree-explorer.vercel.app/api?repo=https%3A%2F%2F...

  • algorithms

    CLRS study. Codes are written with golang. (by shady831213)

  • merkletree

    A Merkle Tree implementation written in Go.

  • data-structures

    Go datastructures. (by timtadh)

  • gtree

    Using either Markdown or Programmatically to generate trees🌳 and directories📁, and to verify directories🔍. Provide CLI, Golang library and Web.

  • typex

    [TOOL/CLI] - Filter and examine Go type structures, interfaces and their transitive dependencies and relationships. Export structural types as TypeScript value object or bare type representations.

  • treemap

    🍬 Pretty Treemaps (by nikolaydubina)

  • tftree

    Display your Terraform module call stack in your terminal

  • envh

    Go helpers to manage environment variables

  • treegen

    ASCII Tree to Directory and File Structure Generator

    Project mention: I curate a daily newsletter with resources about Golang - Daily Golang. Here are the latest 6 issues of the newsletter | dev.to | 2024-08-19

    🛠️ TreeGen ASCII Tree to Directory and File Structure Generator

  • ddt

    Golang Dynamic Decision Tree (by sgrodriguez)

  • hoi4treesnap

    hoi4treesnap generates Hearts of Iron IV focus tree screenshots

  • mpath

    Golang package for MPTT (Modified Preorder Tree Traversal) - materialized path realisation.

  • tfscan

    Inspect Terraform resources in a state and plan JSON files

  • tree

    Simple tree structure and a handy command line tool named 'tq' (by jarxorg)

  • pretree

    pretree is a package for storing and querying routing rules with prefix tree .

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Go Tree related posts

  • gtree CLI built to WASM with WASI support🌳!

    1 project | /r/commandline | 27 Aug 2023
  • Using either Markdown or Programmatically to generate directory trees and directories, and to verify directories. Provide CLI, Golang library and Web.

    1 project | /r/programming | 7 Aug 2023
  • Generate directory trees🌳 and the directories itself📁 using Markdown or Programmatically.

    1 project | /r/github | 11 Jun 2023
  • How can I make the process faster?

    1 project | /r/golang | 11 Feb 2023
  • Tree Maker _ Convert Markdown to tree!

    1 project | /r/webdev | 10 Dec 2022
  • Ad Victoriam - Expeditions Update

    1 project | /r/OldWorldBlues | 6 Dec 2022
  • Tree Maker __ Convert Markdown to tree!

    1 project | dev.to | 18 Nov 2022
  • A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub
    www.saashub.com | 6 Oct 2024
    SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives Learn more →


What are some of the best open-source Tree projects in Go? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 gods 16,194
2 dep-tree 1,500
3 algorithms 799
4 merkletree 484
5 data-structures 416
6 gtree 235
7 typex 197
8 treemap 152
9 tftree 149
10 envh 99
11 treegen 50
12 ddt 35
13 hoi4treesnap 23
14 mpath 13
15 tfscan 8
16 tree 5
17 pretree 3

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