Open-source Go projects categorized as PHP

Top 16 Go PHP Projects

  • RoadRunner

    🤯 High-performance PHP application server, process manager written in Go and powered with plugins

    Project mention: Performance benchmark of PHP runtimes | dev.to | 2024-01-17


  • SaaSHub

    SaaSHub - Software Alternatives and Reviews. SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives

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  • frankenphp

    🧟 The modern PHP app server

    Project mention: FrankenPHP: The Modern PHP App Server, written in Go | dev.to | 2024-09-12

    Additional resources FrankenPHP website: https://frankenphp.dev/ FrankenPHP documentation: https://frankenphp.dev/docs/ FrankenPHP on GitHub: https://github.com/dunglas/frankenphp

  • ddev

    Docker-based local PHP+Node.js web development environments

    Project mention: My work setup for PHP development | dev.to | 2024-07-10


  • nodebook

    Nodebook - Multi-Lang Web REPL + CLI Code runner

  • acra

    Database security suite. Database proxy with field-level encryption, search through encrypted data, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection, honeypots. Supports client-side and proxy-side ("transparent") encryption. SQL, NoSQL. (by cossacklabs)

  • goridge

    🧙 High-performance PHP-to-Golang IPC/RPC bridge

  • PHP-Parser

    PHP parser written in Go (by z7zmey)

    Project mention: Generic Freelist Allocator for Go | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-09-14

    I've used this idea to speed up AST parsing: https://github.com/z7zmey/php-parser/issues/21

    By just reducing cost of doing allocations (but still allocating the same number of structs) on some of the hot paths it sped up making of the AST tree by 1.5x

    If you can use this approach for the entire parser I imagine the gains would be much more significant

  • go-php

    PHP bindings for the Go programming language (Golang)

  • noverify

    Pretty fast linter (code static analysis utility) for PHP

  • phpgrep

    Syntax-aware grep for PHP code.

  • pgo

    Go library for PHP community with convenient functions (by arthurkushman)

  • gophp

    Golang implementation for PHP's functions

  • phoo

    a very simple high performance PHP application server and php-fpm supervisor

  • phpstats

    CLI Statistics and dependency graphs for PHP

  • phpunisher

    Finds smelly php code pieces

  • mokintoken

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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What are some of the best open-source PHP projects in Go? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 RoadRunner 7,869
2 frankenphp 6,753
3 ddev 2,684
4 nodebook 1,630
5 acra 1,350
6 goridge 1,231
7 PHP-Parser 936
8 go-php 922
9 noverify 672
10 phpgrep 236
11 pgo 86
12 gophp 75
13 phoo 70
14 phpstats 69
15 phpunisher 6
16 mokintoken 5

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SaaSHub helps you find the best software and product alternatives