Elixir Prometheus

Open-source Elixir projects categorized as Prometheus

Top 7 Elixir Prometheu Projects

  • prom_ex

    An Elixir Prometheus metrics collection library built on top of Telemetry with accompanying Grafana dashboards

  • SaaSHub

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  • prometheus.ex

    Prometheus.io Elixir client

  • prometheus-ecto

    Prometheus.io collector for Elixir.Ecto

  • prometheus-phoenix

    Prometheus.io Phoenix instrumenter

  • prometheus-plugs

    Prometheus.erl Elixir Plugs

  • supafana

    Supafana is a one-click, Grafana and Prometheus metrics, observability, and alerting solution for Supabase

    Project mention: Show HN: Supafana, one-click observability for Supabase (MIT) | news.ycombinator.com | 2024-08-30

    Heya HN!

    We put together a post [0] explaining the motivation for building Supafana in some detail, but in short: we wanted a way to get to database graphs with an effort similar to starting a Supabase project - in essence, in a few clicks.

    It feels unusual to open-source what is essentially a SaaS infrastructure project, but it also feels pretty great - all our code is here: https://github.com/fogbender/supafana

    We have some discount codes available - let me know if you want one ([email protected]).

    Thanks for reading!

    [0] https://supafana.com/blog/supafana-why-and-how

  • grpc-prometheus

    prometheus interceptor/middleware for https://github.com/elixir-grpc/grpc

NOTE: The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars. The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or since we started tracking (Dec 2020).

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Elixir Prometheus related posts

  • Got a Tesla or BMW? Use Prometheus for monitoring? I've got an exporter for you

    3 projects | /r/homelab | 23 May 2022
  • Monitoring Elixir Apps on Fly.io With Prometheus and PromEx

    4 projects | dev.to | 29 Jun 2021


What are some of the best open-source Prometheu projects in Elixir? This list will help you:

Project Stars
1 prom_ex 596
2 prometheus.ex 408
3 prometheus-ecto 76
4 prometheus-phoenix 71
5 prometheus-plugs 54
6 supafana 9
7 grpc-prometheus 6

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