I Didn't Need Kubernetes, and You Probably Don't Either
Adding algebraic data types to Nickel
The Dhall Configuration Language
Primitive Recursive Functions for a Working Programmer
What Is the Point of Decidability
Home Blog Better configuration languages – A talk about Dhall [video]
Language without loops and recursion
Why is Kubernetes adoption so hard?
What are some of the least applicable areas of math?
New Scala Build Tool
Is It Imperative to Be Declarative?
Programming Languages over Data Languages
Is there any interest in a typed configuration language?
Ask HN: Embeddable Value-Oriented Languages?
First release: MinMon - an opinionated minimal monitoring and alarming tool
Why Functional Programming Should Be the Future of Software
Lessons learned working decades with Graphical DSLs
What groundbreaking new technology inspires you?
Ask HN: What is the best config file documentation you have seen?
Nyarna: A structured data authoring language in the spirit of LaTeX, implemented in Zig
What features of imaginary FP would make it ideal for system configuration and package building?
Why does nobody seem to know what imperative and declarative mean?
Hacker News top posts: Jul 15, 2022
Dhall配置语言 (The Dhall Configuration Language)
The Dhall Configuration Language
The Dhall Configuration Language
The Dhall Configuration Language
You mean `number`, fam
Notes on the M4 Macro Language (2008)
An optionally evaluated lang (vs lazy/non-lazy)
Dhall configuration language as another way to write manifests for Kubernetes
How differently is designing a DSL from designing a PL?
Dhall – a typed and non-Turing-complete declarative configuration language
Usage Of Cryptonite Library In GHCJS
Does there exist a data-seralization language à la YAML that is typed?
How to get past the "CRUD" phase?
GitHub investigating crypto-mining campaign abusing its server infrastructure
Non-Turing complete languages offer a great advantage over Turing-complete languages as they are much more analyzable and, thus, offer much broader optimization possibilities. Yet they are barely used and Turing-completeness is actually sold as a good feature.
X Markup Language
Fall-from-Grace: A ready-to-fork functional programming language
dhall-bibtex: a simple interface to bibtex for dhall
Google Summer of Code Summary: Dhall bindings to CSV
Kubelet spends 20% time in GC in most environments where it runs
who's Jason ?
Useful minimal languages
What's the idiomatic way to do package management?
The Siren Song of Declarative Programming
The Dhall configuration language: maintainable configuration files
[question] write a configuration file