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Top 7 C OOP Projects
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A viral, p2p OS for the Internet. Get paid for your knowledge and jacking your objects into the Cloud. Experience new plateaus of wisdom as you propagate your spunk towards the utopia of cyberpunk. GPL2&CC:SA-BY-NC (by LeFreq)
Generic C99 Singly & Doubly Linked List Implementation with OOP, ranges, custom loops and more. (by a-p-jo)
The open source projects on this list are ordered by number of github stars.
The number of mentions indicates repo mentiontions in the last 12 Months or
since we started tracking (Dec 2020).
C OOP discussion
C OOP related posts
Which design patterns are easily expressed in C++ and which ones are notorious pitfalls, and why?
Interface99: Zero-boilerplate interfaces for C99
Avium - A library trying to make object-oriented programming in C easier.
Does there exist a collection of design patterns / best practices for C programming?
Show HN: A Pretty Simple Object System for C
A note from our sponsor - SaaSHub | 4 Dec 2024
What are some of the best open-source OOP projects in C? This list will help you:
Project | Stars | |
1 | Design-Patterns-in-C | 410 |
2 | interface99 | 303 |
3 | libmodule | 132 |
4 | obj.h | 106 |
5 | Singularity | 8 |
6 | ll | 6 |
7 | pig2 | 1 |