
unity-raw-input | Zenject | |
2 | 13 | |
216 | 2,596 | |
- | 0.9% | |
4.7 | 0.0 | |
about 1 year ago | about 1 year ago | |
C# | C# | |
MIT License | MIT License |
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Moving character whenever i press a keyboard button
Either throwing together a very basic unity 2d program and using something like the raw input package here to detect both keypresses and keyreleases and update the png.
Is there a way to capture mouse movement when running in background?
There is a package that does what I need but it works only for keyboards (https://github.com/Elringus/UnityRawInput) judging by author's responses to issues it can be modified to also support the mouse. But so far I wasn't able to figure out how. :c
Zenject VS Init(args) Lite - a user suggested alternative
2 projects | 5 May 2024
I feel like I'm starting to develop a bad design behaviour. Am I using this because it is actually a good solution no my problem or just it is simple to execute even if not efficient? How do handle these kind of situations and how do you handle storing data you always need
You can try Dependency Injection with Zenject. It’s more complicated than singletons, but has many advantages.
Web dev trying to learn game dev, had some questions
I just noticed I forgot to link the resource collection 😅 so here it is: https://procgen.space/resources and while we're on links and I'm on a computer now instead of my phone, here's a link to zenject: https://github.com/modesttree/Zenject
Let's talk about the Dependency Injection Pattern! - Discussion
In Unity, there is the Zenject Asset: https://github.com/modesttree/Zenject
Best practice to avoid duplicate code
Mhhh I guess you could take a look at a dependency injection framework. https://github.com/modesttree/Zenject
It is a good idea to create a manager of managers?
Even better approach is to get rid of singletons with dependency injection. There are several frameworks for this, for example https://github.com/modesttree/Zenject.
Dependency injection in unity
Hello everyone! I love unity, it is a great game engine, but I always find myself back to the same architectural hurdles again and again. I used Zenject for several small projects, but I didn't completely like the approach it imposes. In order to improve on what I felt Zenject lacked, decided to make a dependency injection container that fit what I felt was necessary. https://github.com/PereViader/ManualDi.Main (core of the container, just c#) https://github.com/PereViader/ManualDi.Unity3d (extensions to improve usage in unity) As far as I know, dependency injection containers are not a very hot topic around the game dev sphere. Something I think is really not ideal for engineers, as I believe it greatly improves our productivity. What do you think of dependency injection in Unity? What do you think a dependency injection container should have for you to use them in your projects?
OMG! Design Patterns Are Awesome!!! If You Don’t Use Them - Start!!!
Zenject can be found here, and is a dependency injection (DI), which is also a design pattern.
Why use GetComponent() when I could just use [SerializeField] and link something in the editor?
If we are talking about bigger projects, then you cannot put everything into scene that's for sure. Also, creating a prefab for component that you want to inject is not the best option. Therefore, there are different solutions like Zenject.
- Does anyone else coming from a software background struggle with integrating unity into their design patterns? Are there any particularly good resources for how to write clean code with Unity?
What are some alternatives?
sprite-glow - Sprite glow effect with HDR outline
Reflex - Minimal dependency injection framework for Unity
UnityMeshSimplifier - Mesh simplification for Unity.
di-framework - ↗ A Dependency Injection framework for Unity game engine.
AbstractOTDPlugins - Plugins for OpenTabletDriver
fluid-behavior-tree - Behavior trees for Unity3D projects. Written with a code driven approach on the builder pattern.
realtime-CSG-for-unity - Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
fungus - An easy to use Unity 3D library for creating illustrated Interactive Fiction games and more.
UnityLibrary - :books: Library of all kind of scripts, snippets & shaders for Unity
Entitas - Entitas is a super fast Entity Component System (ECS) Framework specifically made for C# and Unity
NaughtyAttributes - Attribute Extensions for Unity
GameDevTutorials - Houses various game development tutorials and resources.